3 Secrets To Raising A Puppy

3 secrets to raising a puppy

Raising a puppy is very important because it is the only way to ensure a healthy relationship between you and the animal.

The education goes far beyond giving orders to send the sit puppy or give paw (that are training tricks), the secret of good education lies in that it can engage with the rules of his house, taking into account issues such as the space, what you are allowed to do at home and where you can do everything.

In order for the pet to understand its role within the household hierarchy, you can have the puppy share the space with other pets.

Basically, most behavioral problems that a dog can develop such as aggression, anxiety and stress can be avoided by adding three key elements to the process of raising a puppy.

Raising a Puppy, Recognizing a Hierarchy



This is an idea that many dog ​​lovers do not accept, especially those who tend to humanize them, but it is absolutely necessary for a proper coexistence at home that puppies assume a submissive role within the family hierarchy.  

The explanation for this is very simple:  prevent him from starting a power competition with you.

Something that has not been eliminated in the code of dogs is the feeling of belonging to a group, from birth (the stage with the mother as the leader) until reaching your house, the dog is subject to a hierarchy. Therefore, the dog must understand that the leader at home is you.

But what is the difficulty of a dog that behaves like a leader? Dogs that behave as leaders of your group (this includes you and other members of your home and family group, including other pets) feel that they have a responsibility to that group, so must defend the members and their territory (your house).

To be the heads of the family, they will behave to maintain command and prevent invaders from entering their space.

Dogs, especially large ones, are powerful animals and it can be very difficult for them to understand exactly the domestication process, which makes them assume a submissive role to human beings, who are identified by them as superior members in the hierarchy; thus, your behavior will be geared towards what is allowed in the hierarchy.

A disoriented dog is basically a time bomb.

If your dog growls, attacks you, urinates or defecates in unsuitable spaces, or is excessively nervous in the presence of other people in your home, you may be dealing with a case of inverted hierarchical roles.

a place for everything


All in its place and all in its time, puppies must learn which parts of the house they can access, what they can take (toys, food, etc.), and what objects they can use (beds, sofas, plates ) and in which places they can wait for physiological needs or should they wait to perform during the external tours.

These are things that require patience and training, but will make your life easier as well as protect you from accidents.

For example, if your dog hasn’t learned to wait for you to feed him and consumes everything in his power, it’s easier for him to be poisoned or to end up biting dangerous things like cables.

This is closely linked to the previous point, because if your dog respects you as a leader he will respect the things that you define.

You should also help your pet, don’t forget to leave things you don’t want destroyed within the animal’s reach (example: my dog ​​crushed my shoes because they were thrown over the porch), at least at the same time learn not to leave the scattered objects.

raise a dog, socialization

A dog that socializes with other animals and people will be much more balanced.

Once your vaccination schedule is complete, let the animal be in the company of other people and other pets and invite friends and animals to your home so that it gets used to contact, both inside and outside your territory and avoid aggression or nervousness.

Keep in mind that part of the socialization process is getting the animal used to being alone, although this is something that should be done gradually, at first it should be for brief periods that should be prolonged over time so that the dog doesn’t get lost. feel abandoned.

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