3 Tips To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections In Dogs

3 Tips to Prevent Urinary Infection in Dogs

Lack of hygiene in the genital area, ingestion of contaminated water or food, or weakening of the bladder due to poor hydration, stones or inflammation are some of the causes of urinary tract infections in dogs.

A urinary tract infection in dogs can start as a simple difficulty urinating or walking, due to severe discomfort in the kidneys.

This condition is more common in older animals, so you should be alert for any symptoms.

Knowing the causes and treatments of this type of pathology will help prevent the disease from spreading to other dogs in the household.

Cystitis, or urinary tract infection, usually occurs in lower organs such as the urethra and bladder. However, it can also occur in the highs, affecting the kidneys and ureters.

A problem in the reproductive or endocrine system can also trigger urinary tract problems. In most cases of urinary tract infection in females, the cause is associated with external bacteria.

Causes of urinary tract infection in dogs

When it comes to bacteria, urinary tract infections in dogs can be contracted by ingesting contaminated water or food.

On the other hand, poor hygiene can cause bacterial build-up around the genitals, resulting in urinary tract infection.

There is usually an organic predisposition to infection, especially in older dogs, such as bladder problems.

The bladder can weaken over the years, thus facilitating the entry of bacteria.

It should be remembered that, due to loss of mobility, dogs generally drink less water, which also leads to infections. Another factor that causes weakness is bladder stones or inflammation.

healthy dog

In addition, diseases such as cancer, prostate problems, and even a bump to the lower abdomen pose a risk of urinary tract infections in dogs.

Among the causes, stress is not ruled out as a triggering factor for urinary problems. In the case of stones, a timely treatment will prevent them from obstructing the urethra, which can be painful and quite serious.

Symptoms and Detection of Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

Paying attention to your best friend will make it possible to detect if he experiences discomfort or pain when urinating. Staggering gait or moaning are signs that something is not right.

After symptoms, urine comes out in small amounts (just a few drops) and becomes opaque. Also, traces of blood may appear. In these cases, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory.

A urine test is the perfect way to check for urinary tract infections in dogs. To detect if the problem is only in the lower tracts or if it already affects the kidneys, it is necessary to check for the presence of blood.

  • At the time of urination there may be blood droplets at the beginning, which would indicate that it is an infection in the urethra and bladder.
  • If blood persists during expulsion of urine, the upper tract is affected: including bladder or prostate. This would denote clotting problems.
  • When blood is observed at the end of urination, be suspicious of polyps or bladder stones.

Loss of control over urination is a typical feature of cystitis. Urinary tract infections in dogs can also cause fever as the body’s response to the presence of bacteria.

An animal that suffers from this problem can lose weight, drink more water than usual and be very dejected.

Medical Tests for Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

An accurate diagnosis can provide the right treatment and cure the animal more quickly. Frequent tests can be simpler, such as urine and urine sediment tests.

X-ray and ultrasound exams can provide useful data if there are complications or remnants of previous illnesses.

Ultrasound can provide information about sizes, inflammation and the presence or absence of tumors.

Dog with fever and thermometer

Treatments for Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

Antibiotics are generally the most common treatment and give the best results. As for calculations, they can be treated with special products to dissolve and avoid them. Anyway, in some cases, surgery becomes unavoidable.

Preventing Urinary Infections in Dogs: 3 Basic Tips

There are three basic aspects to preventing, not only urinary infections, but all types of illnesses in dogs:

  1. Diet is very important. Foods are indicated according to the dog’s needs and age. In addition, nutritious and unprocessed foods must be consumed. Avoid giving your pet snacks, foods high in sodium or of poor quality.
  2. Also, both food and water should be served in clean containers. In the case of water, it should be changed daily and, in summer, two or three times a day.
  3. On the other hand, dogs must urinate frequently. Spending a day with trapped urine can cause infections.

In short, dogs need essential care to stay healthy, especially when they reach a certain age, when there is a greater risk of suffering from diseases.

Thus, urinary infections in dogs detected early can be resolved quickly.

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