4 Reasons For Cats’ Nocturnal Behavior

The behavior of cats is curiosity in itself, but the bursts of energy they have during the night draw even more attention.
4 reasons for cats' nocturnal behavior

Cats are complex animals with behaviors that are different from human behaviors. Although they are curious enough in their own right, the burst of energy that characterizes cats’ nocturnal behavior often attracts attention.

Cats and their behavior throughout history

Going back to the past, the testimonies of Ancient Egypt were the first to record the presence of these cats. At that time, the usefulness of these animals to hunt birds, rats, mice or snakes was discovered and, therefore, they were considered allies.

In ancient Greece, as well as during the expansion of the Roman Empire, no special relevance was given to this animal. However, during the Middle Ages, they were considered, mainly black cats, as a symbol of evil because of their active nocturnal behavior.

There was the belief that they were the incarnation of the devil and therefore indispensable companions for witches. In many cases, women have been accused of being witches simply for taking care of a black cat.

For this reason, there was a crusade against cats, which almost caused their extinction. The most striking consequence was the rapid increase and expansion of rats and mice, which resulted in the spread of diseases such as plague, for example.

Finally, in the following centuries, it was accepted as a domestic animal, being appreciated for its hunting instinct against pests. From the 17th century onwards, he began to be the protagonist of stories and fables because of his mysterious, cunning and charming personality.

The nocturnal behavior of cats

Of all the characteristics of cats that can attract attention, one of the main ones is their ability to sleep. These cats spend most of the day sleeping.

It is estimated that the time they sleep corresponds to 47% to 65% of the total. In this period of time, not only the time they spend sleeping but also the sleep time is computed.

The African ancestors of cats have nocturnal habits. Although the domestication process has changed their behavior significantly, most cats are active at night and in the early morning hours.

Among the different reasons that can cause this behavior, we mention the following:

large amount of energy

Cats have a lot of energy, and it needs to be depleted so they can rest and let others rest. For this reason, it is recommended to distract the cat with play during the day so that he can sleep through the night.

Among the different toys that can be used, it is recommended to use objects that allow the cat to play on its own. In most cases, animals are home alone for a long period of time, so this is a way to keep them active.

Regarding toys, they can be purchased or we can simply reuse objects that we have at home. Cats are extremely curious and love to hide in empty places.

For example, a cardboard box is a highly valued source of entertainment. However, the cat can also be stimulated through mazes made with tubes through which balls pass, or by ‘chasing’ rats tied to a rope.

cat in a box

hunting instinct

As already mentioned, cats have a lot of energy. For this reason, if they’ve barely exercised during the day, at night they won’t stop until they use up their energy.

One of the most striking behavioral characteristics is when the cat suddenly runs from one side to the other. This is a way to burn off excess energy, as is hiding in a few places and jumping or biting your ears or your toes.


As with humans, if a cat is unwell or feeling unwell, it will try to express it. So that could be one of the reasons he meows or doesn’t stay quiet at night.

Perhaps another reason is that they cannot fall asleep, which results in insomnia. As they cannot express exactly what is going on, if unusual nocturnal behavior is observed, it is advisable to consult your veterinarian.

they don’t have a routine

When night comes and you want to sleep, the last thing you want is for your feline companion to start meowing and jumping around. Sometimes they do this because they’re hungry and, depending on the moment, they also do it to get attention.

One solution is to establish an exercise or play routine, or other ways to entertain you throughout the day. If this is not possible because the owner is not at home, a shelf or bed can be placed next to a window. This way, the cat will be entertained seeing what happens outside and will sleep less.

Another recommended option is to establish a mealtime to avoid hunger meows during the night. So, if dinner is at 10 pm, the cat will get used to not asking for more food after that time; therefore, he will adapt his behavior to that of the human.

O comportamento noturno dos gatos

Their innate curiosity, as well as the energy they show, is appreciated by the owners. However, it is preferable for the cat and owners to have a similar lifestyle, allowing them to interact at appropriate times of day. 

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