5 Foods You Should Never Give Your Dog

5 Foods You Should Never Give Your Dog

Although some furry ones are a little susceptible when it comes to eating, the truth is that most dogs tend to devour everything they find in their path. That’s why it ‘s important that you know what foods you should never give your dog.

For each species, the indicated food

Let’s start at the beginning. It never hurts to remember that as much as we love our four-legged friend, he is a dog. You must never be treated like a human. We will always have to respect your canine nature.

So it  ‘s very likely that if you feed your furry human-specific food, you’ll do some sort of damage to it. So don’t give him leftovers from lunch or let him taste what you’re making for dinner.

In case you want to give homemade food to your dog, consult a veterinarian or an animal nutrition specialist so that he can indicate a suitable diet, respecting the size, age, health conditions and activity level of your pet.

List of Foods You Should Never Give Your Dog


Among the foods you should never give your dog are:

1- Chocolate

In fact, the component of chocolate that hurts your furry is called theobromine. It is an alkaloid that is similar to caffeine and that dogs metabolize much more slowly than we do, and it can cause them to:

  • vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration
  • Hyperactivity, which can lead to cardiac arrest
  • Heart attack
  • Convulsions
  • In severe cases, death

Keep in mind that 6 grams of this product per kilogram of your furry weight can affect it. Also, signs that your dog may have been affected by chocolate may take days to appear.

2- Garlic and onion

Although, in small amounts, the furry ones seem to assimilate garlic and onion well, if consumed in excess, dogs run the risk of suffering from anemia and gastrointestinal problems. In this case, the element that dogs cannot process well is thiosulfate.

3- Avocado

Avocado is a fruit that contains a substance that is toxic to dogs, called persin. It can cause respiratory and heart problems and a distended abdomen in hairy ones.

4- Bones

It’s true that your furry one loves bones. Ideally, dogs should be able to bite them and be entertained for a few moments with them — as long as they don’t break or shatter — but they shouldn’t eat them. This will prevent, among other things, possible choking, perforation of the digestive system and intestinal obstructions, which can cause the pet’s death.

5- Milk and its derivatives

Some dogs, like some humans, are lactose intolerant. Because they do not have the enzymes they need to dissolve the sugar present in milk, they will have vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal upsets. If your furry is very fond of this food, try to see how it tolerates lactose-free milk.

All in fair measure and with common sense

german shepherd drinking water

Appealing to the common sense, which is sometimes the least common of the senses, we assume that no one, in their right mind, will ever give alcohol to the furry one. Alcohol, although in small doses, is not usually lethal to dogs, but it makes them nervous and they can attack.

Continuing with this logic, it is clear that you should also be aware of the amounts and size of servings you give your pet.

And while it ‘s best for your dog to get a healthy, balanced diet—whether commercial or homemade— if you ever find him licking some chocolate ice cream or eating a piece of cheese that has fallen to the floor, don’t despair. All in its fair measure.

And always, in case of any doubt, consult a veterinarian.

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