5 Tips For Controlling A Hyperactive Dog

5 tips for controlling a hyperactive dog

A hyperactive dog is obviously left with energy. Therefore, before qualifying him as destructive, messy and disobedient, it is necessary to look for a way to make him spend, in the most adequate way possible, all that energy. So, keep reading this article before someone diagnoses your dog as sick and tries to medicate him to mask the problem, as some parents accept that they do with their hyperactive children.

Causes of Hyperactivity in Dogs

While any dog ​​can be hyperactive, there are some breeds that are particularly endowed with large amounts of energy. The subject also involves the metabolism of dogs. Most are animals that were used in activities such as:

hyperactive dog

  • Sheep grazing;
  • Tracking of carriages;
  • Hunting;
  • Tracking;
  • Pulling sleds.

Now , imagine one of these furry ones spending a good part of the day alone, in a small apartment and eagerly waiting for the ride and the fun time. Isn’t there a certain logic that a dog seeks to channel its energy with the first thing it finds on its path? Be it a shoe or an armchair…

That’s why it ‘s important that before deciding to incorporate a dog into your family, choose one that can literally follow your pace. This will avoid unpleasant surprises and ideas like giving away your dog or, even worse, abandoning it.

Dog breeds with more energy

The responsibility is the golden rule when we adopt or acquire a pet. Therefore, for our sake and that of the pet, we must choose, in addition to our hearts, thinking about the availability of time, space and the level of physical activity that we can dedicate to our furry ones.

We must take into account that, among the breeds of dogs that have more energy, the following stand out :

  • Dalmatians;
  • Beagles;
  • Cockers;
  • Border Collies;
  • Jack Russells;
  • Boxers;
  • Retrievers.

We should also point out that issues such as the climate, some diseases and nutritional levels can influence a dog’s hyperactivity. So, consult a veterinarian who deserves your trust so that he will clarify all your doubts about the subject.

What to do if you have a hyperactive dog

Now, if a hyperactive dog is already part of your life, get to work so that all that energy your dog has to spend is used in the best possible way. Here we will give you some advice:

1-Long walks

No quick ride for him to take care of his needs and that’s it. A long journey will leave owner and dog relaxed and happy.

2-Games and more games

In and out of the house, that stimulate the sense of smell, intelligence or simply that are fun for your dog, such as going to pick up a ball several times.

3-Train him for, for example, agility competitions.

It is a sport that allows you to run, jump, climb, have fun and, above all, burn off the energy that is left.

4-Exercise together with your dog

Get out for a run. Or take him to a park where he can roam freely and interact with his peers.

5-Many toys

The options are diverse and you can buy them or even make them. Toys will keep your dog entertained and busy.

It’s not the furry’s fault, help him to channel his excess energy

hyperactive dog

If you lack the time or strength to accompany your dog in some of these activities so that he can spend his energy, ask your family or friends for help. If your budget allows, hire a good walker or put him in a school where they train him for different sport competitions for dogs.

The truth is that a furry one who can’t properly channel excess energy gets bored. If you don’t give him the necessary encouragement, behavior problems will begin.

But remember it’s not your fault. In the modern world, dogs no longer pull sleds or take care of herds, so look for alternative activities for all their energy that remains there, intact.

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