5 Tricks Against Bad Breath In Dogs

5 tricks against bad breath in dogs

Bad breath is an unpleasant problem that often brings us embarrassing situations. In fact, it’s been proven that one of the most embarrassing moments anyone can have is when they’re told their mouth smells bad.

Although some don’t know it, dogs can also suffer from this major inconvenience much like humans do.

When we live in a situation like this with our dog, it is very important to do everything possible to eliminate our friend’s bad breath. However, this is not always an easy task. So, here we will leave you 5 tricks that will be of great help to easily solve this problem.

Feed your dog properly

bad breath

How you feed your little four-legged friend is often the key to whether he has good or bad breath. That’s why if your four-legged companion doesn’t eat well, it will have an unpleasant aroma in your mouth, while if you feed it properly, it will be just the opposite.

For example, if your dog eats a lot of meat, it’s likely that his breath smells terribly bad. This is due to the fact that certain foods tend to leave residues on your teeth, which will later be attacked by bacteria.

The most recommended is to offer a diet based on dry foods such as good quality rations, instead of the classic canned rations. This way your dog will be well fed and your breath will not smell bad.

buy toys

These objects will not only be of great help to amuse your dog and fight stress, but will also allow your pet to smell good in its muzzle.

To the surprise of many, dog toys also act as a kind of toothbrush that removes plaque and eliminates food scraps that get between the teeth.

Although this is something we recommend so that your dog doesn’t have bad breath, it’s important that he starts using them as a puppy. This way he will have a pleasant oral hygiene and will also prevent him from developing the habit of biting things.

Toys that work best for this purpose are those made of nylon or natural rubber. This is because these materials massage the gums and rub the teeth of dogs, thanks to the consistency of the material they are made of.

Coconut oil to improve bad breath

It is no secret that there are many oils that are great for our health. The good news is that this is something that also happens to a man’s best friend.

Of all you can offer your dog, one of the best things is coconut oil. This oil is fantastic thanks to a series of properties that are also incredibly favorable for your pet’s health.

In fact, coconut oil is extremely effective as a nutritional element and as a stabilizer for our dogs’ metabolism. That’s why your pet’s consumption of coconut oil will be critical to eliminating your bad breath.

A small spoonful a day will be more than enough for your dog. This will not only improve his oral hygiene, but also the shine of his fur.

make him chew parsley

If at any time you have had bad breath, surely someone must have recommended you to chew parsley to combat this inconvenience.

The curious thing is not only that parsley is one of the most effective natural remedies against this problem, but that it is also useful for the same problem in dogs.

I did not know? What happens is that this herb has properties that make it effective against digestive problems. This ensures that those who chew it do not suffer from this dreaded mouth odor.

If you want to try this with your dog, it is recommended to give him a small leaf twice a week for him to chew. Never offer it too many times in a row, it could damage your dog’s digestive system.

serve fresh water

bad breath

Since bad breath is caused by bacteria, one of the places where bacteria can appear most often is in the water bowl.

To avoid this, just make sure you always serve fresh water for your dog. This way the bacteria will have no place on your dog’s utensils and you won’t have to worry about his bad breath.

If you follow each of these tricks, you will be able to maintain your little friend’s oral hygiene without any major difficulties.

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