8 Unwritten Dog Park Rules

8 Unwritten Dog Park Rules

Current legislation in many countries requires us to keep our dogs on a leash at all times. Thus, dog parks end up being the only places where our furry ones can enjoy and interact with their peers with freedom. Therefore, they  are the ideal places for a dog’s social life.

Some dog parks have signs stating usage regulations. However, there are many other rules for maintaining good coexistence in a park that are not listed. Therefore, we present to you  8 unwritten dog park rules.

What is a dog park

These parks are normally  closed places where dogs can be free to run and play freely. Except for a few specific cities, it is mandatory that all dogs are leashed in public places.

dog in a park

There are several types of dog parks, but the most common are flat terrain with sand or rock floors and a few trees. Some even have tools for agility practice. In turn,  the best parks for dogs have different types of soil, areas differentiated by size or age  and areas with water, trees and sand.

It is noteworthy that there are more and more parks of this type, although they can be monotonous places and very similar to each other. Therefore, dogs tend to go to those closest to their home, no matter what the park is.

Written Dog Park Rules

It is quite common to find signs with a series of rules of use for the park. Among these standards are:

  • prohibited to enter with food
  • Obligatory to collect dog feces
  • The use of a collar is mandatory
  • No females in heat
  • Dogs of potentially dangerous breeds must wear a muzzle

Unwritten Dog Park Rules: Food and Toys

1. It is forbidden to enter with food, whether human or for dogs. There may be a dog with food cravings that gets stressed by sniffing out the food we carry. In fact, we could even provoke a dispute: we would be rewarding only one dog and not the others.

2. It is forbidden to enter with toys : balls and especially toys with bells inside. Toys  cause a lot of excitement and it is common to have nervous problems  caused by chasing objects. In addition,  many dogs do not know how to share toys and fights can occur over control of the balls or stuffed animals.

Unwritten Dog Park Rules: Schedules and Etiquette

3. Respect your neighbors’ rest hours. Some parks set a schedule for use, while others don’t. Many of the parks are located close to houses and residential buildings, and the noise or  barking coming from inside can disturb residents. So, try not to use the dog parks between 10 pm and 8 am, approximately. The neighborhood thanks you.

4. Keep an eye on your dog. Parks are fenced and animals cannot escape, but be sure to pay attention to what your pet does. Of course, if you meet friends and acquaintances at the park and you want to chat, you can do that, but don’t let your furry friend out of your sight.

5. If your dog is abusing another dog, leave the park and don’t wait until the other animal gets angry. If your dog is too pushy or aggressive with another, it’s time to leave the park for another day. Just as you wouldn’t want another dog to irritate yours, be empathetic and avoid unpleasant situations.

6. Do not enter sick or unvaccinated dogs. The safety and health of all animals in the neighborhood are your responsibility. So, if your pet is not in good health, do not visit the park. Also, if your furry has pain in his back, paws or limps, don’t make him run. Let him recover first.

Dog having fun in dog park

Unwritten Dog Park Rules: Safety

7. Don’t let your dog make holes or ruin the park. It is common for many stressed breeds or dogs to dig holes in the ground, and the sand or gravel soil in some parks encourages this habit. Prevent your pet from destroying the ground, as other park users can trip and get hurt.

8. Dogs of potentially dangerous breeds must enter a muzzle and remain in the park for a short time: the law requires them to wear a muzzle whenever they are in public. Also, as these are aggressive dogs,  try not to spend more than five minutes in the park.

9. Do not enter the park with electric collars, spikes or chokes. They are very bad for your dog and can even hurt other park users.

We can make dog parks much safer and more fun for everyone, humans and dogs. We should just follow the rules and act for the common good.

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