The Little Lion Dog: Löwchen, Know All About Him

According to breed standard formulators: the löwchen is very affectionate and obedient to his masters. That is, it is attentive and receptive.
The little lion dog: Löwchen, know all about him

The löwchen, or the little lion dog, is a  small dog from France.  According to the International Cynological Federation, he is part of group 9, subsection 1.3.

History of the löwchen (little lion dog)

The löwchen is a very old breed. So much so that we can find a sculpture of this type of dog in Amiens Cathedral. Also, this building is dated from the 13th century.

Throughout the Middle Ages, we find several representations of this dog in French tapestries and paintings. So, it makes us think how common this breed was. Furthermore, it is possible to notice how  little they have changed in appearance during the last 500 years.

The first concrete mentions of the löwchen breed, or the little lion dog, are found in the 17th century and especially during the 18th century.  Despite the löwchen’s antiquity, the löwchen’s club was only founded in 1947.

Physical appearance of the löwchen (small lion dog)

He is an intelligent, lively and considerate dog. In addition, it has  good bone structure, being small and with good proportions. Its head is tall compared to its cross height, due to its long neck.

Its movement is proud and energetic, accentuated by its mane, which is why it is called the “little lion dog”. In addition, it is noteworthy that this “mane” is necessary to participate in competitions.

Comportamento do löwchen: o pequeno cão leão

As for the measurements, the last valid standard – published in 2004 – indicates that the  height in cross should be from 26 to 32 centimeters.  This height allows for an oscillation of a maximum of one centimeter. In relation to weight, it should be around six pounds.

The mantle should be composed of a single uniform layer of silky, long, wavy, dense hair. All colors or color combinations  are accepted

As for its head, it is relatively short and quite wide from the top of the skull to the muzzle. In addition, the nose is black, except for the brown coat, and its pigmentation must be full. Its ears are dangling and the head is composed of a generous fringe. Also, the fringe can reach up to half the nose.

You have to be very careful when dealing with them. Despite its small size, the löwchen  has a strong, full set of teeth, so it has important biting power.

lowchen personality

Like most bichon dogs, we are facing an animal that is  loyal and connected to its master. With a cheerful and playful personality, it adapts very well to family life and small apartments.

Lowchen care

According to the pattern writers,  the löwchen is very affectionate and obedient to its owners. He is also thoughtful and receptive. Therefore, he is comfortable in any circumstance and knows how to remain calm when the situation demands it.

Care and advice for having a löwchen

Lowchen is relatively easy to care for. Crossings in search of the perfect breed were avoided. Therefore, we can say that the little lion dog is a healthy breed. We can also say that he does not have a tendency to suffer from race-related illnesses.

However,  like any pet, it requires  a lot of essential care. Regular veterinary visits  , walks,  physical activity , and good  nutrition  are essential conditions. That way, your little löwchen will have a long and happy life.

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