I Want To Have You In My Arms Already!

I already want to have you in my arms!

Children love pets, at least most of them. Who among us as children didn’t want to have a dog at home? Many parents do not want to and this creates a huge need in the child to live with a pet. How would you have felt if your parents had said yes? Here you will meet a young man who has written a letter. What beautiful words that boy said: “I want to have you in my arms”!

Today we want to share the letter “I already want to have you in my arms”, a tender letter from a boy to his dog that mixes several feelings: the desire to have a pet and his innocent impatience.

I already want to have you in my arms!

“I spent a lot of time telling Dad and Mom that I want to have a furry little friend. They told me many times no, and I was always sad. My little friends have a dog at home and although I could play with their dogs when I went to their house, when I came back to my house I always felt empty…


Every day I asked my parents for a friend to love and play with, but the answer was always the same: NO. Every time I saw my friends with their pets, I felt jealous, but… today, finally, Mom gave me good news. They had adopted a puppy! You.

Mom explained to me that you are very young and that you have to stay at home with your mom and your little brothers for several weeks. Several weeks! I don’t know if I can wait… Mom showed me your picture, and you’re so beautiful!

I don’t know if I can wait weeks to caress you, hug you and kiss you. I want you to already see me as your friend, as your brother and companion. All I think about now is how our date will be, how it will be when I want to hug you, when we go for a walk together.

I’m going to drive Mom crazy when I ask questions like if she’ll let me sleep with you, or if I can take you for a walk alone. At the moment she always tells me no to everything, but rest assured I will convince her.

I don’t think Mom could have chosen a prettier dog than you, you’re perfect for me, you’re the pet I dreamed of. And all this I think of just seeing your photo. I’m really looking forward to meeting you and knowing what your personality is like, how you’ll get angry and how you’ll look at me when I’m with you.

There are still weeks to go! All my friends already know that you will be coming home soon, although some do not believe it, they say they will have to see it. I don’t want anyone to come see you, I want your affection to be just for me, for no one else. I’ll finally have you and no longer have to return home feeling empty, after I’ve played with other dogs, I don’t think I’ll leave the house anymore! I will always be with you, by your side.

Sometimes I see abandoned dogs in the street, they are always sad. I understand them, I would be very sad if they abandoned me. But I want to tell you that you will never be sad, because I will never leave you, you will always be with me, I still don’t know you and I already love you and I promised my daddies that I will always take care of you.


And even though I’m little, I always keep my promises. I don’t know how long it will take to read this, I just want to tell you that I’m here waiting for you, and don’t be long, just tell your mommy and your little brothers that you want to come with me. I also need you very much.

This is your home, we will be your family now and we will protect and care for you always, so don’t be afraid or feel bad, this is your home.

Ah! I’ve already asked Mom to buy you a bed and toys so everything will be ready when you arrive… in a few weeks! I can’t wait any longer… I feel like crying because I have to wait, and I want to scream with joy that we’ll soon be together. Well, I hope you don’t regret it and don’t want to come anymore, I hope you don’t. I’m waiting for you with many dreams, I love you so much. I already want to have you in my arms. A hug”.

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