How To Stop A Dogfight?

The first thing to do to stop a dogfight is to be very safe, because if one of the animals sees us very nervous, we could be attacked; also, the best trick is to try to wet them with water, as the water will scare and confuse them.
How to stop a dogfight?

Dogs are territorial animals, and when they see what they consider their territory threatened, they can get very angry. Even if your dog is calm, he can get into a fight without meaning to. If another dog attacks, he won’t stay put, so you need to know how to stop a dogfight before you see him in this situation.

We’ll give you all the tips you need for this, because we know how much you love your pet and how bad the fight can be for seconds. Make a note and also keep all this information in your memory, so you know how to act in a situation like this.

What to do to stop a dogfight

Keep Calm

Before you try to stop a dogfight, you’ll have to get  your emotions under control. You won’t have a lot of time for this, but you just need a few seconds to figure out how to act. Once you have read all the advice we will give you, you will be ready for it. So stop and quickly review the steps below.

You must remain calm, because if the animals notice that the owner is nervous, the problem gets worse and they may even  attack you. Sometimes these fights only last a few seconds, so maybe your intervention isn’t even necessary.

wet them

Once you’ve calmed down,  there are several things you can do if you feel the fight is going on longer than necessary. For example, wet them with cold water. You know that while some dogs are water-friendly, many are not.

dog shaking

Even so, it should be noted that, whatever the case,  the cold water will scare them and it is possible that at that very moment they will stop fighting  and each owner will be able to control their pet.

do not pull the strap

Do not pull the strap during the fight. This can make your pet angrier and you already know what the saying goes: “under pressure, even a wise man acts like a madman”. Why do we tell you this? Because your pet will be so blinded by rage during the fight if you want to force the separation, because that will not be to your pet’s liking, instinctively, and it might bite you.

Make noise

If you have something on hand to make some loud noise,  it will distract the animals and stop the fight. Obviously, as soon as you notice that the fight has stopped because of the noise, quickly grab your animal and move it away from the other.

put up a barrier

A nearby cardboard or wood, blanket, or whatever you feel can act as a barrier between the two and allow time to get your dog. Be careful not to put your hands too close to avoid getting bitten.

be proactive

In addition to knowing how to stop a dogfight, you also have to know how to avoid it. No one knows your dog better than you, so when you cross another, you’ll know what he wants. Although, of course, it is necessary to know this also from other dogs that approach yours.

angry dog

Watch  your dog’s body language, this is the best way to know what’s going on in your head. If you notice that your dog, or the other dog, shows no signs of being friendly, quickly remove your pet and take it to a safe place, such as your arms.

teach your dog

One of the best ways to stop a dogfight is to  teach your pet first to play well with other dogs and, secondly, to always respond to their call. If your voice is a signal to him that he must obey, he will obey under any circumstances, including during a fight.

Follow these tips, both those that help you avoid the problem and those that teach you how to stop a dogfight. So you will always keep your pet safe.

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