Are Carbohydrates Bad For Dogs?

Carbohydrates are a source of energy, but a number of precautions must be taken into account when we talk about dog food.
Are Carbohydrates Bad for Dogs?

Whichever pet we have by our side, it is clear that one of the pillars of their health is quality food taking into account their specific needs. Do we really know what we are feeding our dog? Today we’re going to give you some details about carbohydrates in the dog’s diet.

What are carbohydrates?

You can know this set of molecules by other names, like carbohydrates or carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are nothing more than chemical bonds of three main elements: carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. Its main function is to provide immediate energy.

For this, carbohydrates are broken down into smaller glucose molecules, which  will end up being the main source when the body needs energy in a short period of time. If this need for energy is prolonged, it is customary to resort to lipids.

There are several types of carbohydrates depending on their structural complexity. Generally, they are classified into two broad groups:

  • Simple : they are those formed by small units and whose metabolism is carried out quickly. They are divided into monosaccharides and disaccharides, and among them we can find glucose or lactose.
  • Compounds : formed by chains of more than 10 monosaccharides. This makes their decomposition take longer and therefore the digestive system must be more specialized. Among the compound carbohydrates, glycogen or cellulose stand out.

What are carbohydrates?

Are carbohydrates bad?

We are facing a problem that is far from being resolved and that will certainly be the subject of controversy for a long time to come. The best answer we can give is that carbohydrates are okay for our dog if we know which ones and how much we are providing.

In general, we tend to think that what’s good for us must be good for our pet. Although carbohydrates are the ideal source of energy for humans, the digestive system in dogs can have difficulty processing them, especially long-chain ones.

This is not to say that all carbohydrates should be eliminated from a dog’s diet, but it  certainly shouldn’t form the basis of his diet. The main source of energy for dogs is fat, so feeding them too much carbohydrate can be counterproductive.

So can I include carbohydrates in the diet?

Despite being carnivorous animals, dogs and other wild animals eat small amounts of carbohydrates in their diet. Whether through the herbivorous prey they hunt or the grass they use to purify themselves,  carbohydrates are present in their food.

Can I include them in the diet?

As we’ve said, the important thing is not what, but how. An overdose of carbohydrates will have adverse effects on your pet’s digestive health, but  moderate amounts of foods containing them can be a good nutritional supplement.

Some commercial foods are high in carbohydrates, usually for economic reasons. So it ‘s a good idea to check what you’re feeding your dog and check the nutrition label to find out. If you choose a natural diet, you can add fruits or vegetables and small portions of rice or pasta to your regular diet.

When in doubt, your veterinarian or an animal nutrition specialist can help you create a balanced diet for your pet.

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