Go On Vacation With Your Pet

Go on vacation with your pet

Holidays are the most anticipated time for everyone every year. But there is always a little bit of sadness that comes over us when this time comes and we think about what we are going to do with our pet. Other years we have already left them with some family members or in a hotel for reliable dogs, but this time we decided to take them with us.

There are aspects that must be taken into account before traveling and also during the trip so that your vacation with your pet is an unforgettable moment for everyone.

Holidays with your pet: before the trip

dog on the beach

The first and most important thing you should check is that the place where you are staying is pet friendly. Nowadays there are many hostels, hotels and rental apartments that will allow you to spend your vacation with your friend.

Another factor to take into account is the animal’s documentation. You must have his vaccination card up to date. If you are going to travel abroad, you will need to obtain a canine passport and know the requirements of the country to which you will be traveling regarding the entry and exit of animals.

You must also  consult with the airline, or the transport that is used, for the terms of acceptance of animals. There are airlines that will allow you to take the dog with you, others will not. Make sure you get an appropriately sized box so that your pet’s vacation doesn’t become a misery for your dog.

If when you travel with your dog in a car he gets seasick, it is very likely that he also feels seasick on a plane, boat or train, so you should ask your vet to prescribe some nausea pills that are appropriate for your dog.

The luggage

The animal will be entitled to its own suitcase  and, in addition, it is essential to have several things that will be needed when you are on vacation with your four-legged friend.

Here is a list of what is most needed:

  • Dog shampoo and cologne;
  • Anti-flea spray (maybe there aren’t more fleas than you think where they go);
  • Container for water. This should be comfortable to give your dog to drink during the trip, if its size allows it to travel with you;
  • Food. Although the trip is best done on an empty stomach, if it’s too long, it’s better to eat something. Bringing food is the most practical;
  • The animal’s passport and vaccination card;
  • bags for collecting excrement;
  • Absorbent paper (in case he accidentally pees).

Traveling with your pet


If you are going to travel by car, take your dog in the pet carrier to avoid causing an accident by wanting to climb on top of you. Stop every 2-3 hours for both of you to stretch your legs. If you are going to have coffee or eat in a restaurant, don’t even think about leaving the dog locked in the crate and in the sun. Attach it to a collar somewhere where there is shade and leave the container with water and food nearby.


If your dog weighs less than 20 pounds, he can go with you in the cabin. If the weight of it and the box does not reach 6 kilos, it is possible to take a hand luggage until reaching this weight.

If the animal weighs more than 6 kilos, it should go in the hold, normally sedated. You will need to purchase a transport box large enough for the animal to walk around itself inside. It must be an approved shipping box, so we recommend buying from a reputable establishment.

You must show up with the animal and the box 3 hours before check-in. The animal must be fasting during the trip, so remember to offer it water before boarding. You will almost certainly need to present the animal’s documentation.


cat in the bag

Until recently, they had not created a norm in which train travel with animals was allowed, but there are still certain restrictions. If you are traveling in shared seats, it is only possible to take the animal if the person sharing the seat agrees. The animal must go in a carrier box.

Carrying it as luggage is the other option, but you will not be able to carry it in your hand, it will have to go in the luggage compartment.

What is certain is that going on vacation with your dog can be a unique experience, where the feelings of uncertainty about whether your pet is well taken care of while you are gone will disappear.

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