A Dog Refuses To Abandon Its Owner’s Coffin, Victim Of The Earthquake In Italy

A dog refuses to abandon its owner's coffin, victim of the earthquake in Italy

The loyalty that dogs show to humans is something that any pet owner can see on a daily basis. But in extreme situations, such as illness or death, this virtue manifests itself in an extreme form in some animals. This is the case of a Cocker Spaniel whose owner died recently as a result of the earthquake in Italy. In a video, you can see how the dog refuses to abandon its owner’s coffin.

A dog refuses to be separated from its dead owner during the funeral of earthquake victims in Italy

Andrea Cossu, 45, lived in Pescasse do Tronto, in the central part of the Italian peninsula. He was one of nearly 300 fatal victims of the earthquake in Italy, which occurred on August 24 of that year.

The man and his pet were “inseparable,” as the human members of the family explained. So, on the day of the funeral, Cocker couldn’t be absent.

And that’s why the animal’s reaction is understood. When they approach the coffin, he begins to sniff and move his tail, recognizing that there was Cossu. In some images you can see how the dog refuses to leave the place where its owner’s coffin is.

Images of a gym transformed into a large funeral home

The collective funeral was held at the Municipal Gym of Monticelli (municipality of Ascoli Piceno). Many officials attended to bid farewell and honor the 35 people who lost their lives during Italy’s 6.2 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale.

Amidst the mourning decreed at the national level, the ceremony was attended by, among others, Italian President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

But the news was the inconsolable dog that didn’t want to abandon its owner. The owner was in one of the many coffins in a row that filled the gym.

Hachiko, Caneleira and many other stories of faithful dogs

Among the many more or less known stories of dogs faithful to their owners after their death, Hachiko’s is possibly the most emblematic. The case of the Akita breed dog broke borders and even Hollywood made a movie about it.

In Spain, the case of Caneleira is famous. He was the pet of a homeless man in Cádiz who was waiting in vain for his owner’s return at the door of a hospital. Unfortunately, he had passed away.

More similar stories took place in different places and times. For example :

  • Fido, a furry one who, like Hachiko, also waited at a train station, but in Tuscany. There he awaited the return of his owner, a young man who died during World War II.
  • Collie, a dog who spent 9 years at his owner’s grave. This took place at the Cemetery of Piedade, in the city of Rosario, Argentina. And he stayed in that same place until, after a while, the man’s corpse was cremated.
  • Bobby, the dog who died over his owner’s grave, a Scottish policeman, he remained there waiting for his owner for 14 years.

Is it possible for science to explain the loyalty and love of dogs?

So far, scientists haven’t been able to find a concrete explanation or why some dogs wait for their deceased owners to return by spending their days beside their tombs.

We assume that it must be difficult to prove with any kind of research or study what they have to do with love and fidelity.

We hope that Cocker de Cossu has found solace for his loss in the rest of Andrea’s human family.

Main image source: www.lastampa.it

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