The Most Common Diseases In Domestic Dogs

The most common diseases in domestic dogs

Any human can get sick, and pets are no different. The health problems our faithful friends may have are very varied  and whenever we see our dogs sick, we feel sad because we often don’t know what is happening to them.

For this reason, My Animals  wants to present some of the most common diseases that affect domestic dogs.  This way it will be easier to detect them in time and know how to prevent them.

Canine otitis, one of the most common diseases

cachorro e veterinário

Canine ear infections are one of the most common diseases in dogs. It is an inflammation in the external auditory canal, caused by various reasons, such as allergies, bacteria, the presence of a foreign body or because our dog scratches himself excessively.

Common symptoms are frequent shaking of the head, itchy ears, discharge of earwax, red colored ear, strong odor, etc. In these cases, it is recommended to take him to the veterinarian and determine the causes, in order to provide him with an adequate treatment.


Distemper is another of the most common illnesses that most concern pet owners. This disease is caused by a virus and is transmitted through the fluids of infected animals.

Therefore, it is very important to watch your dog and, if you notice that he is depressed, has a fever, does not want to eat or drink, he has skin rashes , etc., it is very important that you consult a veterinarian.

In severe cases of distemper, dogs have seizures, spasms and even paralysis. It is very difficult to cure distemper, so prevention is very important.

It is necessary to vaccinate him when he is between 6 and eight weeks of age. Do not put your pet in contact with other dogs without first vaccinating it.

canine dermatitis

If your dog scratches himself a lot and he didn’t do it before, you have to be alert because he may suffer from some skin problems, such as allergies and dermatological problems. Dermatitis can be caused by an internal disorder, an allergy, or an environmental factor. 

It can happen that, at certain times of the year, your dog has dandruff, which can be normal, but if you notice that it doesn’t go away, it could be due to dermatitis. It is recommended to seek a veterinarian immediately.

the cystitis

This disease affects more adult puppies than puppies. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder caused by bacteria. The most common symptoms are increased urge to urinate, blood in the urine, and difficulty urinating.  

The causes can be very varied, such as stones or tumors in the bladder, and even an anomaly in the nervous system.

In these cases it is very important that you go to the vet. In the meantime, make sure your dog drinks plenty of water and, above all, you should modify  your  diet. 

canine leishmaniasis


This disease is known as “the silent disease”, as it is transmitted by a mosquito. The most common symptoms usually appear in two types: those that affect the skin and those that are visceral. 

If it is cutaneous, skin spots, skin ulcers, excessive nail growth or nodules will appear  . If it affects the viscera, it may be that your dog suddenly loses weight, has no appetite, has a swollen belly, has diarrhea and even nosebleeds.

This disease is very difficult to be cured completely and there is no vaccine. The prevention methods are: apply antiparasitic products, prevent your dog from sleeping in the calm and make regular checks.

canine arthritis

This disease is very common in older puppies. It consists of a joint disorder caused by cartilage degeneration. The symptoms that appear in your dog are walking with a constant limp, having difficulty getting up, feeling pain in the bones or difficulty in movement.

In these cases, you must consult your veterinarian and ask for a recommendation for specific exercises for these cases.

A change in your diet is also very important , with dietary supplements and specific medications for the disease.

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