Tarantula As A Pet: Everything You Need To Know

Although their appearance may be a little sinister, you can keep a tarantula as a pet because most of them are non-poisonous and therefore not dangerous.
Tarantula as a pet: everything you need to know

Having a tarantula as a pet may not be one of the most popular ideas. However, it is a growing trend that gains more followers every day. For this reason, it is convenient to know everything about your care.

Is it possible to have a tarantula as a pet?

Having a tarantula as a pet is not very common. However, it is an idea that attracts more people every day. So the answer to the subtitle question is yes.

Is it really safe to have a tarantula as a pet? What are the most appropriate precautions to keep a tarantula in optimal condition?

It should be noted that the tarantula is the largest spider belonging to the Lycosidae family. Although they may have a slightly sinister look, the majority of tarantulas are not poisonous or pose a danger to people.

Due to its characteristics, it is possible to have it as a pet, as long as it is offered the right care and environment for its well-being.

Although, in general, tarantulas  are not very aggressive,  it is also true that  no one is exempt from getting a sting from  them at some point. While this sting can be a little painful, it does not pose a health hazard.

Tarantula as a pet

Characteristics of tarantulas

These are the peculiarities of these dreaded insects:

they must not be disturbed

As explained above, tarantulas are generally not aggressive. This means that for them to decide to trap their prey and inflict great pain on them, they must feel extremely threatened and in danger. Therefore, an essential guideline for having a pet tarantula is not to disturb it.

They cannot repeat behavior patterns.

Although tarantulas are highly intelligent, they cannot be trained like other pets. These spiders have been shown to have no ability, beyond survival needs, to reproduce behaviors or patterns.

One of the few things a tarantula can be taught is to tap a certain number of times on the glass each time you give food. That way  she will associate that sound with the food and come out of her den.

Life expectancy

The lifespan of a tarantula is usually quite long, especially in the case of females. These can live up to 14 years, while males hardly exceed six years.


Things to consider for pet tarantula

Choose a peaceful species

In practice, one of the most important aspects to consider is the  choice of a tarantula that is not poisonous and whose behavior is generally more peaceful.

In this sense, species such as the pink-legged tarantula, the red-ringed one or the one known as the Chilean Rose are some of the most recommended. On the other hand, cobalt blue, orange baboon or giant tarantulas are very aggressive and poisonous.

the right space

Another fundamental aspect is to provide the tarantula with adequate space for its development. For this, it  is advisable to buy a terrarium with at least 20 liters of capacity and add the elements that the spider needs according to its species.

It must be emphasized that spiders adapt very well to confined spaces. However, the more space you can provide, the better.

information search

Of course, tarantulas aren’t the most popular pets. Therefore, it is important that the person seeks all possible information about them. In this case, it  is advisable to go to a specialized veterinarian; the professional will inform you about the care, handling of the animal, cleaning the terrarium and, above all, about the most suitable species to have at home.

Do not forget that, despite its fame, the tarantulas are pets that do not do much more than is necessary to survive. In that sense, you can’t expect to have a lot of interaction with them, as when bothered they can even become aggressive.

If what you are looking for is a pet to play with and have fun with, a tarantula is definitely not the most appropriate. However, if one really wants a tarantula as a pet, it is essential to be informed  about all the aspects that need to be taken care of.

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