Mistakes We Make With Our Pets

Today, we’ll tell you what mistakes people often make, without realizing it, with their pets. Recognizing them is the first step in avoiding them!
Mistakes We Make With Our Pets

Because of our ignorance about some points, with no bad intentions, we don’t always do things right as pet owners. In this article, we will tell you what are the main mistakes we make with our pets.

What are the mistakes we make with our pets?

There is no doubt that we want the best for our dog or cat (regardless of breed or age). However, sometimes we believe we are making a good choice when, in fact, we are hurting them.

That’s right, there are many mistakes we make with our pets that are worth knowing. Among them, we can highlight:

1. Give lots of hugs

One way to show our affection and happiness is to hug others. We believe dogs and cats can also be told how much we love them in this way, but that’s not the case.

This habit causes a lot of anxiety and stress in pets  because they feel “trapped” in their owner’s arms.

If you want to check this out, hug your pet and watch how he positions his head. If he closes his eyes, yawns, puts his ears back and tries to let go, that means he doesn’t like hugs!

2. Let the animal do what it wants

One of the mistakes we make with dogs and cats is that we are too lenient with them. Claiming that they don’t understand or that they’re not doing anything wrong,  we let them behave as they want and with no set rules.

This is a very serious mistake, because even if you don’t believe it, an animal without limits is a stressed and sad animal. 

For example, in the case of dogs, keep in mind that they are descended from wolves, one of the best organized species out there. Each clan member obeys the alpha and has a specific task. Do the same with your pet.

cat licking itself

3. Humanize it

A typical mistake these days is treating a pet as “the baby of the family” and as if it were a human being.

We’re not saying we should put their needs aside or show affection, but we shouldn’t go so far as to put clothes on them or let them sleep in our bed.

4. Feed him food from our plate

We’re sitting at the table, and when we look away, our pet does his best “poor guy” face trying to make us feel sorry. And we fall into this piece,  we feel guilty if we don’t give a little piece of what we’re eating.

It may also be that the animal has become accustomed to barking or meowing when we are having dinner, as it knows it will eventually receive a reward. This confuses the pet, as it will equate bad behavior (barking or meowing) with a reward.

5. Not taking him to the vet periodically

It is likely that when your pet arrives at your home, you will complete all of its vaccinations and take it to the veterinarian for a check-up. But after some time, we usually “forget” about the medical appointment, claiming that the animal has nothing and that it is in perfect health.

However,  there are many diseases that go undetected at a glance that only a professional can diagnose. Remember that early treatment increases the chances of a cure.

6. Do not brush the animal’s teeth

Another mistake we make with our pets is not brushing their teeth at least once a week. They also accumulate bacteria and tartar, which is why they often have a bad smell in their mouths.

Getting them used to it from childhood is the key to being able to do this periodically.

rabbit at the veterinarian

6. Avoid socialization

An animal that has no contact with others of its kind is more likely to behave inappropriately. As we said earlier, in the case of dogs, instinct tells them that the group is the most important thing.

Although he has you as a leader, he also needs to surround himself with other colleagues.

Many of the mistakes we make with our pets are due to ignorance. Learning about them is the first step in being able to change them.

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