Are You Ready To Welcome A New Friend?

Are you ready to welcome a new friend?

Do you think you are ready to welcome a new friend into your home? Once we have made the decision to adopt a pet, we must remember that the chances are high that the animal has been through very difficult situations.

The love and affection we will give him are essential to inaugurate his new life. We also have to accept the changes, both physical and behavioral, that our new furry friend will experience over time.

Things to do before getting a new friend

Among the things we should do before a new pet arrives are:

special food for dogs

  • Prepare a cozy place in your home so that the newcomer can have their own place and feel comfortable. This will help your pet become more confident.
    • Choose the veterinarian who will see you. For this, evaluate several options, consult forums and social networks, get recommendations from relatives and friends, etc.
    • Get your new friend’s bed ready. In pet shops you can find a huge variety of different sizes and models.
    • Buy suitable containers for food and water.
    • Have enough food for the first week. In the market, we can find rations and foods designed to meet the nutritional needs of pets.
    • Vitamin supplements.
    • Collar with a nameplate.
    • A guide for when we want to walk with him.
    • Toys and bones and leather  so our dog can expend excess energy.
    • Cleaning kit and sand, in the case of cats.
    • Combs for brushing hair.

    The most suitable objects for a new friend

    To prepare our dog’s bed, objects need quality, strength and durability. Reversible objects, which can be used in different situations, are very interesting. With them we can change form and use.

    the feeder

    The feeders for our pets can be made of plastic, ceramic, stainless steel, etc. Plastic feeders are easier to wash but can cause allergies. Ceramic ones, on the other hand, are porous and cannot always be easily cleaned. Bowls made of steel are a more hygienic and corrosion resistant option. Another tip for choosing the correct feeder is to assess the size of the container and the way the dog eats.

    Each feeder has its peculiarities. The stainless steel container is the most chosen, being the cleanest and most resistant option. In addition, it does not have toxic substances for your dog. These pans stand out because they can be cleaned very easily. There are also many options regarding the design, such as ceramic coating, designs, prints and different colors.

    The animal’s personality and characteristics also influence the choice of recipient. The height of the feeder, the way the animal eats, the existence of raised edges to prevent the food from spreading on the floor and distracting the dog, with a bottom covered with rubber, etc.

    First steps with a puppy at home

    Dogs learn everything we teach them between 2 and 4 months of age This period is very important in the education of the animal and is exactly when a handler can help us make our furry dog ​​a balanced dog.

    Among the guidelines we have to follow are:

    dog adoption

    • Don’t make him anxious by paying excessive attention in the first hours and days.
    • Leave him alone to calm down. If we make him anxious, we’ll extend the adjustment time.
    • Don’t punish him, yell at him or correct him. It takes a little time.
    • Teach him his place, limiting the space so he doesn’t walk all over the house.
    • Don’t put the dog in your bed at first.
    • Always leave some water at the puppy’s disposal.
    • It is very important to hold a family meeting to decide between all the times for meals, outings and games. Also choose what the puppy will be able to do and what it will not be able to do (sleep in bedrooms, climb on sofas…) to establish clear rules. Otherwise, the dog may be confused and not know what to do, making his education difficult in the future.
    • Rewards and rewards:  Dogs learn much faster when we make use of positive reinforcement, rewarding those behaviors we like. These rewards can be play, petting or food. The important thing is to give them at the right time, immediately after the animal behaves correctly. Obeying orders, lying down on the floor when asked, going to your own bed to sleep, and taking care in the right place are good examples of behaviors that should be reinforced.

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