Check Out 10 Favorite Dog Activities

Discover the 10 favorite activities of dogs

What do our pets like to do the most? Do they really enjoy the activities we schedule for them thinking they’ll get excited? Or do they prefer to carry out other types of activities? Below we will list the ten favorite activities of dogs:


1. Running after objects

running dog

Author: Jose Ramón Torre López

Dogs love to chase objects that move very fast, whether it’s rubber balls, rocks or sticks. They get excited about these activities. Most of the time they don’t really know which object they are chasing, but in fact it’s indifferent to them, what they really like is to interact with the movement of the object in question, and run to chase it.

The problem comes when another dog friend also runs with him, like someone fighting for a trophy at the end of a race.

Biting, digging, eating…

2. Biting, biting and biting

Our friends’ mouths and teeth were made for chewing. Especially when they are puppies this will need to be taken into account. The small teeth tend to hurt when they are developing and then they have the need to bite something, whatever it is.

It is preferable that they have some object close by that is destined for their teeth, because if not, a nearby shoe will end up being shattered.

3. Dig and hide things in the ground

We’ve all seen a dog digging with its paws more than once to make a hole in the ground. The purpose can be very different, from adapting to a comfortable mattress if there is no other better place to lie down, or looking for the freshness of the damp earth if they feel hot, and also looking for an improvised “pantry” for some food he doesn’t want eat at that time.

When we see our pet walking in a circle… most likely he’s looking for a place to lie down.

4. Eating is another of your favorite activities

This is something your dog loves anytime and in large quantities. A curious fact is the reference that, in times of heat, dogs prefer to eat cold things, it refreshes them.

Sleeping a lot and wanting to work and learn…

5. Sleep

Sleeping is another favorite activity for our pets. It is estimated that they need to sleep more than 16 hours a day to be fully healthy. Naturally, they are able to sleep in small groups.

6. Be active

Unlike what happens to many humans, dogs love to work, do different tasks and jobs, they enjoy it enormously. If we can assign them little tasks each day, they will be very happy.

7. Learn

Learning is another one of your favorite activities. They have an enormous capacity to learn new things every day, and they can be very grateful when we teach them something they didn’t know about.

8. Discover new places

Do you believe your dog loves going to the same place? We have sometimes observed that they are uneasy if we vary, for example, their tour itinerary, and we may come to the conclusion that they do not like change. But we are wrong. Like us, dogs also like to vary their routine from time to time, and discover new places to walk, a different park, a new place to make their “friends”.

9. Enjoy a good party on fresh land

dog in the sand

The stink is another favorite affection, although the owners hate it. The s dogs love to lie on things more disgusting they find on the street is garbage, excrement, etc.

This has an explanation, apart from a mere rather unpleasant affection. They instinctively use these strong scents, as a way of camouflage, to disguise their own scent and thus go unnoticed in case they meet other animals, and other humans. It’s a kind of self-defense mechanism.

They miss us, they miss us…

10. Steal our objects

It’s not about wanting to appropriate what isn’t theirs, but especially when they’re alone, on the one hand they get bored and on the other they play much less. In these moments, “borrowing” an object that reminds its owner serves to supply both needs: your boredom and remembering with the aroma of the object to its owner.

Image credits: Truter.

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