Monument To The Abandoned Dog In Galicia

Monument to the abandoned dog in Galicia

The abandoned dog is sometimes the great forgotten one in history. Even people who love animals forget about them, because everyday life and daily tasks keep us focused on other things that we consider more important at the time.

However, we are grateful that there are people who do this work for us. This is the case of Carmen Grande, who created a monument to the abandoned dog that is now in Galicia. Today, anyone who wants to can visit it.

The homage to the abandoned dog

Although it became known as such, the truth is that it is a tribute to all abandoned animals. Thus, smaller and between the legs of the huge dog is a cat.

On the commemorative plaque is written:

Undoubtedly, whenever an inhabitant of Moaña or one of the hundreds of tourists who pass by there every year, see this statue, they will remember that we must always take care, respect and protect the animals.

In Galicia, there are dozens of protective organizations that guarantee the welfare of abandoned animals. As the sign says, they welcome and take care of them non-profits.

More monuments to animals worth visiting

Fortunately, this is not the only monument made in honor of animals.

Worldwide, there are thousands of them. That’s why today we want to remember the best known.


A cute pitbull dog is built on a pedestal. Remind all inhabitants to please don’t abandon them.

Located in one of the busiest and most popular areas, it serves as a reminder to all those who have abandoned or have thought of doing so. And for those who love animals, it’s certainly an honor to see a monument like this.


Raised like a dirty stray dog, unable to identify its breed, it reminds all Argentines of the sufferings of abandoned animals and how much they depend on us to help them.


With a sign saying “Welcome” and seeming to invite all those who wish to adopt an abandoned animal, a small black dog rests on a marble plinth.

Its sad eyes and back ears visibly express the feelings of an abandoned animal.


If there is an animal that makes us see the unhealthy conditions that abandoned animals suffer, it is undoubtedly this statue in Barcelona.

It looks like a greyhound that is very thin. With a look, perhaps the saddest you’ve ever seen in your life, it’s like asking for mercy.


More or less the same happens with the one in Mexico. A near-dying dog that struggles to keep its paws up to walk.  Ask for mercy from a country where every year there are thousands of abandoned animals.

These statues may seem useless at first glance, but it is very likely that the consciousness of more than one person who has abandoned or considered abandoning has been awakened by seeing them.

We hope that this is the case and that there is less and less abandonment.

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