Dog Cleaning Without Bathing

Cleaning the dog without bathing

All pets need to follow strict hygiene and cleaning routines to be able to have a full and quality life. As important as maintaining healthy eating habits, dog grooming is essential for your pet to be happy.

Today, the traditional method of using soap and water for bathing is not only the most widely used, it is actually the most effective.

However, when there is not enough time, if the weather conditions are adverse, or when it is a matter of “force majeure”, there are some alternatives to the traditional method of cleaning. You can resort to these options from time to time, so as not to neglect the hygiene and health of domestic dogs.

Brushing dogs’ fur is as important as using water

Brushing the dog’s fur periodically is not only a fundamental grooming strategy, it is also one of the best ways to strengthen the emotional bond between the animal and its owner.

According to the characteristics exhibited by each specimen, the frequency may vary. Short-haired breeds can only be brushed twice a week, using a brush with soft bristles and a fine-toothed comb.

Dogs with medium sized fur need to be brushed at least four times a week, using a stronger brush and a wide-tooth comb.

Dogs with long, thick fur  should undergo this routine every day. For this, you should have a brush with soft bristles and a comb with wide teeth at your disposal. It pays to have utensils designed to unwind tangles of hair.

The Benefits of Dog Cleaning

In the case of cleaning the dog, this action not only removes dead hair, allowing the birth of new hair, but also brings benefits and also reduces dirt and the formation of dandruff.

At the same time, it is a mechanism that allows you to observe the condition of the dog’s skin and notice the presence of any abnormality in it.

Generally speaking, the number of times you can brush your dog’s fur is unlimited. If you have the time and desire to do this, you can brush the hair of short or medium-haired dogs every day, if that is the case for your pet.

In order for the pet to feel more comfortable while brushing its fur, and also to make it more practical for its owner, a table should be reserved, where the dog can be positioned to be brushed. In addition, this act will set a positive precedent: dogs will associate climbing the table with a pleasant moment spent with its owner. When acquiring this habit, when the dog has to go to the vet, he will not show resistance to stay on the stretcher.

An added benefit: combing dogs improves the animal’s blood circulation.

the dry bath

The option of using products to clean the dog without having to water it is also perfectly valid.

In the pet products market there are a number of  very effective dry bath shampoos. Its application is relatively simple: first, you must comb the dog’s fur and unroll his coat. On top of a wet cotton towel, rub the liquid (many come in the form of a spray) and apply it to the animal. You should start with his back, then his paws, tail and finally his face.

Then, with a damp towel, you should remove all the shampoo.

This action can be repeated as many times as necessary. Finally, another dog hair brushing session.

Only products intended exclusively for dogs can be used. Under no circumstances can shampoo or creams manufactured for human use be applied.

Role of food in dog cleaning

The good health of pets, in large part, depends on the good nutrition they have. A balanced diet, in which they obtain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a full life, brings benefits in the short, medium and long term.

The degree of cleanliness of dogs, the condition of their skin and coat, as well as the odors they give off, are largely a consequence of what they eat.

Some dog owners may even complain about their pet’s stink. Often, they may not even believe this or claim that he combs the animal’s fur or bathes it regularly.

Often, the problem lies in eating cheap and poor quality food.  On the one hand, they provide all the nutrients that the animal needs, on the other hand, they cause digestive problems. The consequences can be expressed not only in the form of frequent flatulence, but also in the odor it gives off from your skin.

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