Can I Have A Squirrel As A Pet?

As a wild animal, it will have complicated behavior to control and it will be necessary to supply some of its needs before adopting it and while living in your home. 
Can I have a squirrel as a pet?

Squirrels are very active, friendly and agile mammals. These small animals are usually brown, reach about 45 centimeters and are notable for having a huge, beautiful tail, which they use to maintain stability and balance. But is it possible to have a squirrel as a pet?

The squirrel looks tender and endearing, and has a habit of living in dense forests, places where they can run and use all their physical abilities. As for their geographical area,  these animals can be found on five continents.

Squirrel characteristics as a pet

Squirrels are very undisciplined and hyperactive animals, so it is essential to know some of their characteristics before adopting them:

  • Once accustomed to being human, they will no longer know how to handle other squirrels well or live in their habitat. If we decide to adopt it, we must know that it cannot be abandoned.
  • They have a habit of biting people if they bother them too much, or when they feel in danger. For this reason, it is not advisable to have them in homes with small children or elderly people.
  • They are especially noisy. They scream and make sounds throughout the day to express how they feel. To live with them, you must be very tolerant of noise, as they can make some people nervous.
  • They exhibit uncontrollable behavior. Don’t forget these are wild animals.
  • They can’t be alone, so they need a lot of time and attention. You always have to be paying attention to them, playing and letting them out.
  • They need a lot of freedom. Being naturally curious and active, they need space to run, climb and explore. They will be happier if they are allowed to run around the house.
  • Squirrels sometimes mark territory. When they roam around the house, the small pet will urinate on armchairs, rugs and many other household items.
  • Your habits are daytime. They exercise and are more active during the day, and at night they sleep.

squirrel as a pet

Tips for Pet Squirrel

  1. As we have seen, in order to have a squirrel as a pet, we have to make sure that it  receives the necessary care.
  2. It is preferable to buy one directly from a breeder or an authorized professional to make sure it is in good health. For example, it is not recommended to buy a squirrel  online .
  3. Do not try to tame a wild squirrel as they can transmit many diseases. Also, it’s hard to get used to a home life and they can die from stress.
  4. Its adoption is recommended after two months of birth, because at this age it can already be separated from the mother.
  5. It’s important to keep him close to people, because they are very sociable animals and need these stimuli in their environment.
  6. Eliminate or keep away toxic products  that could be in the home, as these animals may gnaw or eat them out of curiosity.

squirrel in cage

What do squirrels need to live at home?

A suitable cage

These rodents, in  addition to a large space for exploration and play, need a quiet place at home to rest. The ideal is to place the cage in a place where the light does not reach directly.

It is also important that the cage is large, so they can get the daily exercise they need, and even climb it.

It is advisable to place natural branches inside the cage with which they can sharpen their nails and use their teeth.

These little pets also love to have a nest to sleep on. It can be built into a cardboard box and fabrics, straw and cotton can be placed inside.

The important thing is that your space is quiet and comfortable, allowing them to snuggle and feel protected when sleeping.

It is worth noting that squirrels cannot be forced into the cage, but they themselves decide when they want to enter.

Diet adapted to your needs

Squirrels usually feed on fruits, seeds, acorns, nuts, flowers and also some insects. Therefore, at home you have to offer him a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Squirrels eat two to five times a day and, for a balanced diet, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Finally, always keep a bottle of water available in your cage, just as we do with other rodents, such as domestic rabbits.

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