Olive Oil, Very Beneficial For Pets

Olive oil, very beneficial for pets

The use of olive oil in the so-called Mediterranean diet is well known, as well as its multiple health properties. However, it can also offer many benefits for animals and especially for dogs.

There are many experts who recommend adding this type of oil to a dog’s meal.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Dogs

dog food

 Olive  oil is rich in antioxidants, so it is ideal for nourishing the dog’s body cells. It is also rich in vitamin E and omega 3, ideal for skin care.

Among the characteristics of this oil is the fact that it is monounsaturated, which  strengthens the animal’s defenses and increases its longevity, as well as contributing to weight loss.

However, it is important to keep in mind that it  is not good to overindulge in olive oil, as it can have a laxative effect. Because of this effect, it is also ideal for constipation in dogs.

healthy cholesterol

This oil has  been proven to  have the power to increase good cholesterol and help with joints  and muscles. Thanks to these qualities, it is ideal for the care of elderly dogs suffering from the  effects of age.

How to give oil to your dog

Size and weight are the two great conditions for calculating the dose  we can give our friend. There are some guidelines: 

  • For small dogs (10 kg), 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil daily.
  • For medium dogs (11 to 30 kg), 1 tablespoon of olive oil per day.
  • For large dogs (over 30 kg), 1 ½ tablespoons of olive oil per day.

Among the ways we offer it to him,  we can  mix the daily dose of olive oil with his food, with his   common homemade diets or with wet rations.

Another idea is to  apply it to a rice flour treat,  for example, or any food that contains a good cereal for the dog. Do not overdose, as going beyond the recommendations may result in diarrhea in our friend.

Long term benefits

The benefits of taking olive oil are well noticed on  the dog’s coat. Little by little, let’s see how it looks better, brighter and healthier.

Olive oil is a good dermal regenerator for drier areas of the dog’s skin. Its powerful antioxidant effect nourishes cells. The disadvantage that we may have in applying it to any external area of ​​the dog, which needs treatment, is that it can stain furniture, the floor, etc. with oil.

What type of oil is best?

When there are dermatological diseases, rosehip oil is best, because it is better absorbed by the dog’s skin than olive oil, leaving less external residues.

Rosehip oil is best regenerative and healing. It is important that it is not ingested by the animal. That is, the dog must not lick the rosehip oil. 

Although olive oil is one of the best vegetable oils we can find,  the best one is undoubtedly  extra virgin olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is obtained only with mechanical processes, in a way that keeps all its properties intact.

Help to fulfill your needs

It is normal for dogs to do their needs between once and twice a day.  If we notice that he goes two days without doing it, oil is a good medicine.

In this way, the oil “greases” the dog’s intestine  and, due to its greasiness, removes stagnant feces from the dog, causing them to slide out of the intestine in a smooth way. No medicine.

Cracks in the foot pads from walking

dog paws

Dog pads are like our shoes.  They are tough, but there are times when they can crack or become too rough.

When this happens,  a good option to recompose them is to rub your fingers with a little oil in the area, once a day, for about a week.

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