How Should We Act With A Newly Arrived Kitten?

How should we act with a newly arrived kitten?

On other occasions, we have already talked about the adoption of cats, especially the advantages that exist in adopting an adult cat. But we also want to talk about how we should act if we have made the decision to adopt a kitten, in this case a newborn.

We always like to advise that before adopting an animal, it is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons, because we are talking about a living being and not a “toy”.

And this living being will need all our attention and affection. So let’s give you some simple advice on how to act with a kitten that has just arrived in our house.

At what age can we take the kitten home?

When we decide to adopt a kitten, we want to bring it home as soon as possible, but that’s not recommended.

Kittens should stay with their mother and siblings for at least 12 weeks. Keep in mind that the mother is the one who will teach him to be a cat, not us.

In the first few weeks is when he most needs his feline family, but the cat can even breastfeed for up to 10 weeks of life. If he is separated before 12 weeks, this can lead to stress in the cat, behavior problems and even illness.

arrival at home

A chegada de um novo gatinho em casa

Once the separation between the kitten and its feline family is made, it will feel disoriented, so the care and attitude of the members of its new home will be very important.

The whole family must be aware that this is a puppy that is a baby and that it will need some basic care.

You must prepare the house for the new baby’s arrival at home. It is very important  that  the temperature is room, neither cold nor hot, but especially not too cold, as it can cause hypothermia in the puppy.

You should also provide her with a comfortable bed where the kitten can rest comfortably and that is placed in a place where it has no drafts and is warm.

If the kitten is already weaned and does not drink breast milk, it is essential to put its hygienic tray right away so that it can take care of its needs.

Remember that the kitten, in addition, will need the care and basic care that you will need to provide him. You should also keep him clean, as his mother is not there to do so, and provide him with the correct and necessary food for his age.

things you will need

Cuidados com um gato filhote

Once the kitten gets home, you need to determine a place where to put its food, water and where it will go to relieve itself. It is necessary to provide him with the hygienic tray with the necessary sand and change it periodically.

A scraper  for your nails is also very important , this will prevent them from sharpening them on any furniture or object in the house. Buy him some toy for fun.

The health

After first contacts with home and family members, you should take him to the vet for a review.

It is necessary to watch so that it does not have parasites, both external and internal, since it can contaminate other animals that you may have at home and even children.

It’s also important to check your eyes and ears to rule out mites. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult your veterinarian, in the same way about the food that your pet should follow usually.

The rules since childhood

Don’t make the mistake of not teaching your cat what’s right and what’s not just because he’s a baby. Then it will be more difficult.

You have to make it clear what can’t be done, and if he insists, when he does something wrong, wet him lightly with water, so it will be clear to him that it can’t be done.

Don’t let him do his needs around, for that he has his toilet tray. It should also reward you if you do something correctly.

A very important issue in the education of a cat is patience, he will not obey from the beginning, but he will end up obeying the rules.

Don’t give up on the kitten if its adaptation takes a while, you’ll have to be patient and understand that it was separated from its mother and brothers, it’s in a strange place with people you don’t know, so you have to earn their trust and affection.

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