Diving With Sharks: Cautions To Consider

Keeping your cool and avoiding sudden movements are some of the keys to avoiding an attack when diving with sharks.
Diving with sharks: cautions to consider

Unless you are an expert in the field, diving with sharks is not something people usually choose to do. However, this encounter becomes possible during diving practice.

The aquatic activity of submerging in the ocean involves entering the space of predators whose behavior it is necessary to know. Remember that these tips are not completely foolproof, but all information is good when it comes to avoiding crossing with one of these fish.

Precautions and warnings for diving with sharks

Take the tour with trained guides

When arriving at unknown beaches, it is common to see dive deals for travelers. These companies or individuals offering the service must know all safe dive sites and the type of fauna in the location.

We must remember that the fauna will not be the same in different seasons of the year. Thus, there is a question that must be known by the guide when planning routes.

Diving with sharks requires planning

With or without a guide, each user must be responsible for studying the species that circulate in the waters to be explored. There are more or less aggressive varieties of sharks, and it is important to learn to tell them apart.

Another issue is that the possibility of diving with sharks must be planned in relation to the visibility of the water, current, depth and available equipment.

shark diver

The first reaction is the one that counts.

Although sharks tend to stray away in the presence of humans, one of the main tips is: if you see one, it’s imperative to stay calm and not make any sudden movements.

These precautions also count when entering the water. A thunderous dive will attract the attention of these animals. Therefore, the best advice is to act as a respectful guest in the presence or proximity of sharks.


As good sea owners, sharks know about the arrival of visitors even before they see them. This means that if a shark approaches, it will be to meet the newcomers.

If sharks decide to greet, it is necessary to maintain eye contact and make them understand that their presence has been discovered. If they’re used to attacking suddenly, this behavior will baffle them.

Furthermore, we must not fail to observe them even when they are drifting away.


One of the hardest things about diving with sharks is dealing with the impact of their presence. However, a diver’s life often depends on effective self-control.

In addition to eye contact, the extreme stillness of the body will keep the shark away and calm. The legs and arms must remain glued to the body.

Do not try to touch or immobilize animals

The strength and agility of sharks are far superior to ours and cannot be mastered with the body, ropes or any other object. Also, preventing movement will only increase your stress and aggression.

It’s important to note that once the shark starts defending itself, it won’t stop until it finishes off its threat.

diving with sharks

don’t cross your path

It is possible that, faced with the perplexity of coming across one of these marine predators, you swim aimlessly with the sole intention of escaping.

However, a rule of thumb when diving with sharks is that blocking a shark’s path can be very dangerous. That is, he will see the swimmer as a threat.

do not feed the sharks

In waters where sharks pass, it is generally prohibited to use fish bait or raw meat for fishing. The reason is that the food increases the sharks’ excitement. This prohibition is often doubled if there are divers in the area.

What to do if he attacks?

It’s time to mention that diving with sharks is exposing yourself to the risk of an unpleasant attack. If the animal gets too close, it is necessary to act with serenity and precision.

First, be careful with your legs and try to keep the shark away with the oxygen tube or whatever you have handy. Then, slowly climb up to the boat.

If there is no time to escape and confrontation is inevitable, one way to counterattack is to insert your hands into the gills. Another shark’s weakness is its eyes, so pressing hard on them can cause them to pull away.

Final tips when diving with sharks

Instead of fear, respect is more effective. Fear makes its owner easy prey. The slow movements will give the shark confidence, which will forget its hunting instinct for a while. If the meeting with the gentlemen of the sea is held peacefully, the moment will undoubtedly be magical.

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