3 Steps To Choosing The Best Shampoo For Your Dog

When it’s time to give your furry a bath, you’re sure to find a multitude of products that promise wonders. The pet market continues to expand, everyone knows that. Therefore, we tell you the steps you should follow to find the best shampoo for your dog.

1-Choose a shampoo for your dog according to its coat and skin

With the help of your veterinarian, it is likely that you can choose the best shampoo option for your furry, taking into account the type of skin it has and the characteristics of its coat. For example:

  • Untangling shampoo for long-haired dogs. This product is designed so that you can brush it without difficulty after showering.
  • Nourishing shampoo for short-haired species.
    • Shampoo to enhance the shine of the coat on dark colored animals .
    • Anti-hair loss shampoo for dogs that have a tendency to lose a lot of hair.
    • Shampoo for hairy whites, (to prevent the outside from getting yellowish).

    2-Check if the hairy is allergic to the shampoo

    The second thing we have to find out is whether your dog is allergic to any component of the shampoo you have chosen to bathe him with. If the animal has any skin reaction after bathing, you should stop using this product and opt for a hypoallergenic one. In these cases, oat-based and fragrance-free products are recommended. Consult your veterinarian for the best brands.

    3-Take into account the dog’s reaction to the shampoo

    It’s important to note how the furry relates to the shampoo you’ve chosen for it. Take into account that some products, although they smell very good to you, can have a very unpleasant odor to the dog. Remember that your dog is a dog and you are a person, so it is not necessary for you to share your opinion on these matters. Avoid humanizing your pet in this and all other areas.

    In addition, furry ones have a highly developed sense of smell. So, what may be a delicate and mild fragrance for you, may be a bit invasive and smelly for him. In such cases, you should use unscented shampoo options.

    Some recommendations when choosing a shampoo for your dog

    Consider these aspects when bathing your pet:

    • As the cheap tends to be expensive, choose good quality products to prevent it from damaging your dog’s skin or simply not being effective.  
    • It is very likely that you will not get the ideal shampoo for the hairy person the first time. Patience. You can start by using generic products and then adjust accordingly.
    • Consider as an option  bathe your furry with an anti-parasitic shampoo every now and then. It will be very useful for removing ticks and fleas.
    • Don’t be tempted to use your shampoo to bathe your dog. To make your hair prettier, always remember that humans and dogs have a different pH. That  it will only irritate his skin.
    • If you go to a pet store to bathe your four-legged friend, make sure they are using the correct shampoo.

    Keep in mind that it never hurts to ask your veterinarian for advice on the best way to shampoo your fur and other general recommendations on how best to bathe. You can also ask if it is also necessary to apply any additional product to the hair (detangling, conditioner, rinse cream, etc.).

    Also remember to brush  often  your pet to maintain the good condition of its fur.

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