Some Rights Your Dog Has That You Didn’t Know

Some rights your dog has that you didn't know

In the field of animal rights, great advances have been made, especially as most countries already include in their legislation laws that involve the responsible ownership of pets and the proper maintenance of pets. domestic animals (unthinkable a few decades ago).

Today we are going to talk a little about some rights your dog has and that, possibly, you didn’t know.

The laws are different in every country, therefore it is best that you check the laws of each country.

However, there are two aspects that both pet owners and people interested in the welfare of an animal can use to ensure their quality of life.

One is that which comes from the hand of protecting private property (we will extend this later) and the second has to do with the rights that specific states have granted to animals.

The animal as your property

It sounds bad, but, contrary to what the regulations related to the protection of private property may seem to appeal, it ends up being, in many cases, the only tool that owners have to get third parties to have civil liability for damage caused to their pets. , especially in countries where clear standards have not been established in this regard.

if you think from a legal perspective, an animal is the property of the person who acquired it, whether through the adoption , rescue or purchase, but don’t take this the wrong way, because that’s good in legal terms.

In case a third party takes any action that ends up causing damage in some way to our pet, we can use this regulation to hold him responsible under the law on this act, for example a veterinary negligence or poisoning of pets.

Normally, it is sanctioned on the coverage of veterinary expenses and, in case the animal dies, an estimate is made of the amount of money that has been invested and a judgment is made on this point.

However, these types of arrangements leave a sense of injustice, which is why pressure continues to be put on governments to establish stricter laws, especially related to the mistreatment of animals.

Other laws that can be appealed to protect our pet in countries without specific regulations are those related to health and healthy coexistence , especially when the owner is the one who causes damage to the animal.

Rights in some countries

Some countries have declared themselves against the mistreatment of pets and in favor of a responsible trend in animal care, which is especially important because, in most cases, mistreatment is done by the owners.

Some of these standards are related to:

veterinary care

The dog must be vaccinated, visit the veterinarian regularly and have its documentation in order. . This can and must be controlled by the authorities, in particular the entities in charge of health.

Likewise, misdiagnosis, deficient veterinary treatments or any other type of veterinary negligence can be denounced and, in exchange, compensation will be paid.


Abandoned dog

Anyone who purchases a dog must be responsible for it. In case he cannot do so, he must find a new home to take care of him.

Abandoning a pet can be penalized in many countries, as it not only involves mistreatment but is also  an assault on public health.


The sale of puppies is regulated in some regions , with the intention of taking care so that the puppies have good health , do not live in unhealthy conditions and do not be focus of diseases.

Likewise, it is considered a fraud to sell a puppy of a breed that does not correspond to the indicated one, with false documentation or being sick.

There are also countries that are very strict in this regard, it is prohibited to profit from the sale of animals without having the permissions designated for this purpose. Illegal sales can be reported and face fines and confiscation of animals.

In few countries it is sought, through awareness campaigns, to stop giving animals as gifts.

Animal abuse or mistreatment


Any deliberate action, whether physical or psychological, that ends up affecting the health and stability of an animal is considered abuse and may be penalized by law.

This includes having the animal in unhealthy conditions, not feed him properly , not allowing him to socialize, leaving him stuck or too much time alone, among other things. the feathers for animal abuse include confiscation of the animal, payment of fines and, in extremely serious cases, deprivation of liberty.

Be careful! In many countries it is being considered cut the ears or tail of dogs for aesthetic purposes such as animal abuse and there are laws about that.

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