What Is Feline Hyperesthesia Or Nervous Cat Syndrome?

What is feline hyperesthesia or nervous cat syndrome?

The feline hyperesthesia or nervous cat syndrome could be classified as a rare disease that cats have. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this so you can prepare yourself if one day your pet will suffer from this syndrome.

Feline hyperesthesia

The feline hyperesthesia is a disease that is  characterized by the animal feel someone is attacking you , as if someone was scratching his back, and he tries every means to fight against this imaginary attack.

It is a syndrome that affects our pussy’s neuromuscular system, causing it to have an extraordinary sensitivity in its skin.

It is true that the cat has a habit of devoting a lot of time to its own hygiene and licks itself insistently until it feels clean. However, if we notice that this behavior becomes compulsive, we should start to worry.

Behind this behavior may be feline hyperesthesia.

Symptoms of feline hyperesthesia

Symptoms of feline hyperesthesia

In addition to what has been mentioned, feline hyperesthesia can present the following symptoms:

  • Nervousness and behavior changes;
  • Restless movements of the tail as the cat tries to lick it or even bite it;
  • It chases its own tail and runs in terror;
  • The skin on her loin ripples. It also bothers you if someone touches this area of ​​your body, making it extremely sensitive;
  • May experience convulsions, spasms and tics. Also, during periods when the seizure is strongest, the pupils dilate;
  • Weight loss;
  • We may have the feeling that the animal is chasing something that only it sees;
  • In more extreme cases, the animal can even mutilate itself.

Causes of feline hyperesthesia

There is a theory that this disease most affects cats who are especially nervous and those who show some hyperactivity. However, the reality is that each case is unique and the precise cause is still unknown.

The first thing the veterinarian will do when we tell him that our pet has these types of symptoms, is to rule out that he suffers from other types of problems such as, for example, the presence of fleas; cats can have a very strong allergy to this type of parasite.

Fleas can even lead our pussy to develop a more serious disease, such as flea allergy dermatitis (DAPP or FAP), which can make our friend itch compulsively, especially the tail.

Also, if he has very dry skin, it can cause or worsen feline hyperesthesia.

There is also the hypothesis that this syndrome is a result of epilepsy, as some experts believe that the disease is caused by a problem with the electrical activity of certain areas of the brain (especially those areas that control emotions, predatory behavior and cleanliness ).

Finally, there are still those who point to the possibility that feline hyperesthesia is a variant of obsessive-compulsive disorder. They also point to the possibility that certain breeds are more likely to suffer from this disease due to stress.

How to diagnose feline hyperesthesia

The first thing is to rule out that the cat suffers from other types of illnesses, such as those mentioned above, but also from nutritional deficiencies, hyperthyroidism, back problems, injuries, brain damage, some type of cancer or even poisoning.

Then, the veterinarian will ask for details of each of the symptoms that the animal presents. In fact, it would be convenient for you to even record how he behaves.

In addition, a blood test will be done, a complete exam and any additional tests that may be necessary to rule out that he has other diseases and to make an accurate diagnosis as possible.

Treatment of feline hyperesthesia

Treatment of feline hyperesthesia

The first thing the veterinarian will prescribe for your cat will be some medication to calm the anxiety. He will also recommend that we avoid situations that make the animal nervous.

It is important that our pet is fed correctly, following fixed times.

We will need to provide him with an environment where tranquility reigns. It is essential that your belongings are clean so the cat does not feel uncomfortable. It’s important that we play with him several times a day, but that we also let him rest and relax.

Above all, follow each and every one of your veterinarian’s recommendations, which will teach you how to deal with feline hyperesthesia .

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