Dog Breeds From Japan

Japan Dog Breeds

There are many dogs that originate in Asia. So, in this article, we’ll tell you about  the dog breeds in Japan.  In that country, most dog breeds have the word “Inu” in their name. This word means “dog” in the local language. They are wonderful breeds!

What are the dog breeds in Japan?

Here is a list of Japanese breeds. If you are interested in adopting a new “foreigner” friend, get to know them:

1. Akita Inu

It is the most popular among dog breeds in Japan. It was bred in the city of Akita to hunt.  After that, it was used for defense and in attacks against local warriors. In Spain, this dog is considered potentially dangerous. It is an ancient breed, as the first specimens are believed to date back to three thousand years. This dog was later crossed with the English Mastiff and Tosa Inu to make it even more aggressive and bigger.

The Akita Inu Dog

The Akita Inu is the National Dog and Monument of Japan. This breed has a strong build and thick coat (white, mottled, red or straw). Its eyes are small, the ears pointed forward and the feet webbed (like cats). He is an excellent swimmer, reserved, silent, protective, cautious and very loyal.

2. Shiba Inu

It is Japan’s smallest dog, agile and originally bred for hunting in mountainous terrain. This race is similar in appearance to Akita, but is even older than Akita. The kanji (symbol) used for its name, Shiba, means “small bush”. It has a close proximity to the wolf in terms of DNA, however it is an excellent pet. Affectionate, guardian, intelligent and attached to home.

3. Japanese Spaniel

Also called Chin, it is a type of dog suitable for companionship. Although its name seems to indicate that it was born in China, the truth is that this is another of Japan’s most characteristic dogs.  One theory holds that the first specimen arrived in the country as a gift from the ruler of Korea, in 732 BC, to the Japanese Empress . He has Pekinese and Tibetan dogs among his ancestors. It usually weighs about 10 kg at the most. It’s very smart and independent. It prefers to rest on elevated surfaces, such as a chair, table or sofa, characteristic of other animals, notably felines.

4. Tosa Inu

It is a dog of the molosso type, of great size and imposing appearance. This breed emerged in the mid-19th century, after crossing several breeds to generate a fighting and defense dog. Among these breeds are the Great Dane, the Bulldog, the San Bernardo, the Mastiff and the Great Dane. In Spain and Colombia, this breed is considered dangerous, and you must have a special license to adopt and raise it. The coat is short in shades of light brown, red or mottled and can weigh up to 100 kg.

5. Japanese terrier

Also called a nippon terrier, it is quite difficult to find even in its home country. It is believed to have emerged after the arrival of terrier dogs, through Dutch traders who landed in Nagasaki. It was designed to be exclusively a pet, and quickly became a favorite in this port and other places like Yokohama. He is tall, with a white coat and a black head; the eyes are almond shaped. As for his personality, he is cheerful, protective and, it is believed, has the ability to react to the facial expressions of his owners.

6. Japanese Spitz

It is one of the most elegant dogs in Japan. In terms of appearance, it is similar to the German spitz , the Samoyed and the American Eskimo dog. The spitz has a rounded and broad head, erect triangular ears, completely white and long coat (except for the face and feet). The tail is curled like a feather. It is a very active animal and attentive to its owner. Being a good pet, it adapts to the family environment and needs a good brushing and grooming routine. That way, your fur looks like a cotton ball.

japan dog breeds

7. Hokkaido

It has several names: Shita, Seta and Ainu-Ken, and is popularly called Do-ken. It arose in the city of Hokkaido, hence its name. It is medium in size, with small triangular ears, long coat in two layers, of various colors  . It is a race known for its faithfulness, its courage and its ability to withstand the cold. In addition, he has a great sense of direction, can fight a bear without fear of it, and gets on very well with children.

The other dog breeds from Japan are: Shikoku Inu, Kishu, Kai and Karafuto Ken.

Image source: Susihurtan and Yuliya Strizhkina

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