Names For Very Unique Gerbils Of Egyptian And Arabic Origin

A different name will make the difference between falling by the wayside or being remembered for a lifetime. Whether for male or female, it should be short.
Names for very original gerbils of Egyptian and Arabic origin

The name you put on your pet will be decisive in your relationship with him. It depends on how you will remember him, how he will relate to you and those around you, and also what kind of life he will bring into your home. With these very original names for  gerbils,  you can get away from common sense and give your pet a name worth remembering.

Names inspired by Egyptian mythology for a desert dweller par excellence

The gerbil is a rodent that is normally found in the deserts of Asia and Africa. It is a curious animal, with long legs and big ears, which is becoming popular as a pet in our homes.


In the repertoire of names for females, you may be interested in:

  • Anat, wife of Ra, god of the sun and  goddess of war, fertility and love.
  • Istar, of Syrian origin.
  • Bastet, goddess represented in most cases as a cat. She embodies the more peaceful side of the Egyptian goddesses.
  • Isis, Greek name of the Egyptian goddess  Ast. The Egyptians worshiped Isis as  the  “Great Mother Goddess” or the  “Queen of the Gods”.
  • Maat  embodies truth, harmony and justice. She is the daughter of Ra, represented as a woman with a large ostrich feather on her head.
  • Neb, goddess of nature.
  • Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, marked ancient history as one of the most powerful queens of her time.

As for male names, you might like:

  • Heru, the god of Upper Egypt.
  • So, which in Egyptian means “protector”.
  • Odion, which in Egyptian means “twin” or “born of twins”.
  • Adom, ‘one who receives help from the gods’.
  • Akil, “intelligent”.
  • Aton, which can be defined as “the whole”.

Names for gerbils, of Arabic origin

Within Arabic names, usually long, you can find some short names to name your pet.


Among the   shorter female names, we find:

  • Azhar, named after the orange blossom.
  • Dalia, which in Hebrew means “bouquet”.
  • Farah, of Islamic origin. It can be defined as “joy” or “joviality”.
  • Hana, which means “peace of mind”.
  • Kirvi, godmother.
  • Lama, which literally means “dark lips”.
  • Nadia, that is, “the first”.

Among the   shorter male names, we suggest to you:

  • Adel, “the just and honest”.
  • Fadi, which means “savior”.
  • Idris, named after the direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Jaul, ‘choice’.
  • Marid, “the rebel”.
  • Rami, “the shooter”.
  • Zafir, “the victorious”.

With this list, we hope you have found names for gerbils that are unusual and easier for you to treat your pet rodent.

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