How To Earn A Cat’s Trust?

How to gain a cat's trust?

Cats seem indifferent to our calls, our caresses and our gestures of affection. It doesn’t matter how lovingly or how you call a feline. Sometimes he doesn’t even look at you. In others, it even looks, but doesn’t move. In addition to the fact that they are independent beings, they do this because they are distrustful. Would you like to know how to gain a cat’s trust?

Before starting to show you the steps to take to gain a cat’s trust, you need to know that it will take a lot of patience, time and affection.

Steps to Gain a Cat’s Trust

Understand your way of being

Cats are generally slower than dogs to learn and react slower to rewards. Therefore, it takes patience and, above all, understanding their way of being.

Never force him to do something, as he is selfish by nature, and if he doesn’t understand that he will get some benefit in the act, he won’t do what you want. So it’s possible that it doesn’t always react as you expect. If you are quiet, not noisy and not too insistent, it is possible that the animal will react in a more favorable way.

give him a safe place

The animal must feel that it is important in your life, that you give it everything it needs for its well-being and that it has a safe place to live. If he feels safe in his home, he will feel safe by his side. How to get this?

cat sleeping in your bed

Give him a place he knows is his alone. Put his litter box in a quiet place where he can hide and do his business without feeling watched. Don’t make him leave if at some point he’s in a hidden place and you can’t see him.

Having shelves and high places to climb is essential for him and should be part of his home space. A scraper with tall towers to climb whenever you want will help you feel at home.

give him water and food

It may seem silly to remember this, but water and food are basic cat needs that you should always be concerned about. Otherwise, even if you forget to meet those needs at some point (before you gain his trust), he might hold a grudge.

When you offer him food the first few times he’s home, say his name softly as you do so, and when he comes, pet him before he starts eating. Thus, you can associate food with you, your sweet voice and your affections. All nice!

relax it when you get stressed

Cats are nervous, curious and suspicious by nature. So, to gain your confidence, an important factor is knowing how to calm him down when the stress reaches unexpected limits.

trust between cat and owner

While gentle words and affection will help, there are synthetic pheromones that will help you manage your stress. If your cat tends to be nervous, distribute them around the house with the help of diffusers similar to those used for air fresheners. Put them especially in places where your cat spends more time.

Avoid eye contact

While we really like them to look us in the eye, cats see it as a defiant attitude. The best thing in the beginning is that you look the other way so as not to make the animal nervous.

If you wear glasses, take them off when you have them on, because they’ll see your very big eyes through some lenses, and it’s possible that they’ll not only be scared, but also turn away from you.

These are some tips you can use to gain a cat’s trust. You will see how, little by little, your kitten will get used to your caress and pampering. 

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