What To Do If A Puppy Bites Everything?

In their growth stage, puppies are developing their teeth and, with the bite, they soothe the pain and keep them strong.
What to do if a puppy bites everything?

When we adopted our puppy, he seemed so calm… but that changed as he grew up a little bit and gained confidence in us. If your puppy bites everything, you’re going to need some advice on how to fix his bad habit, and that’s what we’re here for!

why my puppy bites everything

Before taking action, it is essential to know why a puppy bites everything,  because understanding this will help us to be patient and more compassionate with him, which will make learning easier.

Biting everything is part of your cognitive development and is the way to develop your jaw, to get to know your surroundings, to examine smells and textures. It’s like when a baby starts to crawl and wants to take everything.

puppy bites everything

In fact, biting is one of the first things a puppy starts doing when it’s born. He bites his brothers and his mother, and this, at the same time, teaches him to  control his strength  and where the limit of his bites should be.

Despite this training, it  is possible that the bite will continue to be part of his daily life and that he will begin to do it with everything he finds in the house. How to avoid this? Follow these tips.

What to do if your puppy bites everything

You don’t know what to do to stop your puppy from biting into your shoes, your furniture, or your couch. He seems to be a destroyer of everything that crosses his path, and this creates a nervous state in you as well as economic strain. Calm down,  everything has a solution, with patience and a little effort.

puppy bites the owner's hand

socialization is essential

It is necessary that from a young age, the dog interacts with other congeners. Remember that your imprinting phase   should be well done, so  don’t accept to take home a puppy with less than three months of age, which is the recommended time. Staying long enough with his mother and siblings will help let him know how to act correctly and control the bite.

If this is no longer a solution for you, give your puppy the opportunity to interact with other small and adult dogs. The little ones will awaken their sensitivity and the adults will teach them to control themselves. On the other hand,  the animal will feel fuller and less bored and nervous, which will calm its desire to bite everything.

feed it with your hands

Dogs know very well when they hurt a person or animal. If you feed it with your hands, you will be able to educate it little by little. Use gentle words  when bringing food to his mouth so that he bites more  gently.

If at any time he hurts you, scream. This will remind you of your  first phase of life  together with your brothers, who would scream if they were bitten hard.

offer toys

Today there are many toys on the market that serve to develop your puppy’s teeth. Ask the store which ones might be best suited to your pet’s size and age, and give your pet a chance to leave with them.

The use of repellents

There are products that emit an  unpleasant odor  to pets and are not harmful to them. Of course,  before choosing one, make it clear at the store or vet clinic that your dog is still a puppy  and specify its size and age. Apply the product to the areas he likes to  bite  and do this regularly, until you see that he doesn’t get any closer to there.

If you follow these tips, you’ll see how you can get your puppy to stop biting everything. After a few months it will stop doing it naturally. It is important to take into account that this stage is part of your growth.

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