Make Moving House Not A Trauma For Your Cat

Make moving house not a trauma for your cat

Cats are routine animals, and when something changes, they tend to get stressed and nervous. And more: they may become aggressive on occasion. A change, for example, could be a nuisance for them and today we tell you what to do to make it easier. 

The change: danger to your pet’s routine

In addition to routine animals, cats are territorial animals, so taking them from the place they are used to to a new and strange can be a difficult experience for these pets.

The symptoms they may have if they do not accept or get used to change are: stress, extreme nervousness or fear. They feel out of place, disoriented and sometimes show signs of aggression.

Due to stress, as with people, cats could develop illnesses and have serious health problems. Therefore, whenever possible, we should make things easier for our pet.

What to do to make the change easier for your cat

cat inside a gearbox

avoid suffering

Due to the trauma that a change can cause to your feline, we recommend that it avoid suffering. Seeing you moving boxes back and forth, you going back and forth, and going again… can stress your kitten.

If you have a friend or family member who can stay with your pet for a couple of days it will help you a lot. That’s because he won’t be seeing the environment in which he lives “collapsing” without noticing, in addition to accepting the new house in another way, becoming calmer. You’ll also be reassured knowing he’s being taken care of well.

That has a space from the beginning

That he has his own place is essential for him to feel welcome in his new home. If you can’t leave it at a friend or relative’s house, this space should be in the old house while you finish organizing the move.

You will need a space away from noise and where he feels safe.

In the new house, your pet will need a place of its own, without anyone bothering him. You must have the food bowl, water bowl, sandbox, toys and scratchers. All this to make your cat feel at home. The best thing for this is to prepare a room without boxes or furniture while the entire moving process is finished.

spend time with him

cat in the owner's arms

Your cat should notice that nothing has changed. Despite being tired, you should take the time to play with him and demonstrate that you are still there and that you still love him.

Toys, on the other hand, will help your kitten to alleviate any lingering stress in case she senses something is up. Pet him, play with him and the change will be less traumatic.

Confirm that the new home is secure

Before taking your cat to the new house, make sure the outlets are plugged, that the porch is closed so that it doesn’t run away or have an accident, that there are no holes where it can be locked, etc.

Sometimes there are things we take for granted, but whether your new home is new or old, you should think carefully about the dangers your pet can face.

let him free

When you finally arrive at the new house with the cat, let him loose, free, so he can explore, observe and get to know the territory. Have prepared what will be the space your pet will occupy so that from the first moment you know where to go to drink water, eat or make necessities.

Don’t force anything. All in his time.

These are some tips that will make the change less traumatic for your cat. We recommend that you follow these tips and we hope you are all happy in your new home.

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