Should We Bathe Our Cats?

Should we bathe our cats?

Today we will try to resolve some of the most frequent doubts that cat owners have. The main one is: should we bathe our cats? Among many myths involving felines, there is that cats hate water and do not need a bath. 

Among animals, the cat is known for the  exhaustive cleanliness they have with their body, but despite this, we must always check if our animal is clean.

Anyway, all this will depend on several reasons, although cats have a perfectly prepared tongue for personal hygiene, there will be times when we can help them with an extra bath.

My Animals wants to give you some tips on how and when to bathe your cats.

The grooming of cats

Cats are very clean animals and spend much of the day cleaning themselves. The cat’s secret is that they can clean themselves perfectly with their rough, wrinkled tongue, as if they had thorns capable of removing all the dead hair from the body, as well as all the dirt.

As you may have already noticed, a cat’s tongue works like a natural brush.

But despite being very clean, there are times when they can’t, on their own, clean enough to remove all the dirt, so the owner must do so.

It is best to bathe it, but you must know when and how to do it.

When to bathe our cats?


Domestic cats often do not go outside and spend many hours cleaning themselves, due to this fact, experts say there is no need to stress them with too many baths.  But there are also times when it’s essential to give them a bath.

atypical dirt

If you suspect that your cat has gotten into a fight and has come home full of grease and dirt, it ‘s good to bathe him! Our feline’s fur can be impregnated with  toxic substances.

if you are allergic

If you are allergic or sensitive to cat hair, it is necessary to bathe your cat from time to time so that you can avoid allergy symptoms.

sick cat

Sometimes we can have a pussy with physical difficulties, such as obesity. This can make his cleanliness more difficult and we will occasionally need to help him with the bath.

It can also happen that our cat washes a little and that we notice some odor, in which case, it will also be necessary to wash it.

Skin diseases

Our cat may have a skin disease that requires medicated bathing.

the cats bathtub


It is preferable to avoid giving our cats too many baths, but it would be very important that we brush it daily as this eliminates dead hair and any dust on its body.

It is also very important to prevent it from escaping and getting impregnated with any product.

But if you think your cat needs a bath urgently, it’s important to take some steps.

First, keep in mind that not all cats are afraid of water, and this can be solved by getting them used to bathing from an early age. 

From the second month of your puppy’s life, he will be able to start taking baths, and this should become another activity within your pussy’s routine.

Take some time to bathe your pet, you will need a special shampoo, towel and especially a blow dryer.

The first showers should be quick, so you can help you get used to it and avoid the stress caused by the shower. While you’re bathing him, talk to him lovingly and give him peace.

Use a container large enough for it to fit snugly. Make sure the water is hot and that everything takes place in a peaceful environment.

It is preferable that you wet him with a sponge and not directly with the hose, as this will prevent him from getting scared. Pour in the water little by little.

Don’t forget to use a special shampoo for cats and also a conditioner if his hair is too long.

Dry it with a blow dryer, it is very important that no moisture remains in the hair, so you avoid fungus and skin diseases.

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