The Feelings In Animals

the feelings in animals

Since reason is used, one of the most debated themes about feelings is whether other beings, besides humans, also have them, a controversy that came to be on the lips of important personalities such as Aristotle and René Descarte, who stood for “no” in relation to feelings in animals.

However, with the advancement of time and science, at present this opinion is precisely the minority, as it is no secret that there are animals that can effectively feel both emotions and feelings, not only towards others of their own species, but also for us.

For all that, next we’ll talk a little more about feelings in animals.

Feelings in animals

To our surprise and that of many, the ability to feel on the part of these beings is divided into different types of feelings, which are common in some species. These are the most recurrent:

woman and dog


Although this may surprise the most unbelievers, love is not only a chimera of literature, nor something that only and exclusively can feel the human being, but even though it may seem incredible, love also exists in other animals.

One of the best known cases is that of hominids, such as chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas, whose affection for their offspring is usually something that goes far beyond normal, as they feel a love for them that makes them take care of them. a way that is not solely related to instinctual or simple nature issues.

On the other hand, although these animals always walk in groups, it is very common for them to develop much more affection for some members in particular that are part of the group, so a bond is established between them very similar to that of a human by a friend or familiar.

Another clear example is that of elephants, and also of lions, who tend to feel great affection for some of their breeders, even reaching the point that when they leave, they feel extremely sad and are filled with a lot of emotion when they return to see them.


Although this may seem like part of the animal’s survival instinct, it is certain that this is a feeling that some animals feel in a very human-like way, to the point of even defending themselves or showing some kind of hostile behavior. .

But how can this be? Although it may seem like something worthy of a movie, some species, such as elephants, can have nightmares, which generate a very strong fear and make them wake up crying, as if it were an ordinary person.

This also occurs in many animals, fear is something they usually feel when they witness an abominable fact, such as seeing their parents being murdered, either by humans or by other species.


There are people who tend to the opinion that the feelings in animals are based only on sadness, to validate their position, since sadness is something that effectively many animals come to feel in different situations of their lives. These are the most common:


  • When they are abandoned by their owners or by their family, since in these types of situations it has been shown that, when they feel completely alone, they suffer a strong sadness that, at times, can even trigger depression.
  • When they suffer some harm, both physical and psychological – in the case of domestic animals – these beings manifest their pain with crying.
  • When its owner dies, it is undoubtedly the situation in which the animal feels most sad, as many of them recognize these people as a fundamental part of their lives, even reaching the point, in some species, such as dogs, of remaining with them even in their tombs.
  • In dogs, another feat that explores this feeling is when the owner is away momentarily, since in many occasions a bond is established so strong that the fact that the owner is not at home for a few hours can cause sadness in the animal.

    As we can see, there is no doubt that we are not the only beings in the world who rely on feelings. Feelings in animals are also very present.

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