Extinct Dog Breeds You Need To Know About

While some date back to ancient Greece, others disappeared in the 19th century.
Extinct Dog Breeds You Need to Know

Currently, the number of extinct dog breeds is unknown. Due to their disuse as work animals and the introduction of other exotic breeds, they ended up falling by the wayside. However, documentation and science allow us to know them.

Throughout history,  humans have been one of the main responsible for the survival of wild and domestic animals. In the latter case, the evolution of work and the emergence of the concept of pet were fundamental.

To this fact is added the introduction of exotic species that, in addition to competing for resources, spread unknown diseases to endemic animals.

Today, climate change is an additional danger to millions of species, which could add to, among other things, the list of extinct dog breeds. Let’s introduce some of the most important ones below:

Extinct Dog Breeds of Antiquity

  • Molossus. It is considered the predecessor of the mastiffs. It can be said that it  is one of the oldest, and is present in the records of Virgil and Aristotle. However, historians and other experts differ in its possible usefulness to humans, being related to defense and hunting.

    Extinct Dog Breeds of Antiquity

    • African hairless dog. This breed was characterized by the absence of hair and high body temperature, a fact that justified its use as a ‘blanket’. It was believed to have healing properties, and today it is linked to other hairless dog breeds. One of the evidences of its existence is in the Natural History Museum in Tring, England.

    Modern Dog Extinctions

    • Kuri. With a fox-like appearance and a muzzle with powerful teeth, it  is one of the most modern extinct breeds of dog. Its presence in New Zealand dates back to the 18th century, with the arrival of settlers to the islands in large canoes. However, in the mid-19th century, he was unable to survive interbreeding with European dogs.
    • Talbot. Historical records from the 17th century considered him the ancestor of the beagle and the dog-de-santo-humberto. Its importance was such that some English inns and bars maintain the image of this race  in their buildings.

      Modern Dog Extinctions

      • Paisley Terrier. Its name is due to its place of origin, Paisley, located in Scotland. With long, silky fur, he became one of the most popular show dogs of the 18th century. Later, its use for the creation of the current Yorkshire Terrier was the reason for its disappearance, as the new breed gained greater appeal among locals.
      • Turnspit dog. This breed performed one of the most peculiar tasks in the domestic history of dogs. His long, short-legged build, similar to that of today’s dachshund, allowed him to run on a wheel that turned a skewer to bake in a kind of fireplace. The subsequent energy advance made its main mission obsolete, which led to its extinction.

        The diversity of extinct breeds of dogs is great, both in their geographic distribution and in their temporal course. Therefore, taking care of the current environment and respecting the flora and fauna in which animals are inserted is the essential duty of every human being.

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