5 Homemade Repellents To Prevent Mosquito Bites

Chemical repellants, although effective, can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. With that in mind, it is possible to use natural and easy-to-make solutions even at home.
5 homemade repellents to prevent mosquito bites

These insects are really annoying and can interfere with an outdoor walk. There is no doubt that mosquito bites are irritating. The good news is, they can be avoided. In today’s article, we’ll introduce you to some homemade repellent recipes. Be sure to read!

How to prevent mosquito bites in a natural way?

On the market,  we can get repellents that are very effective, but also full of chemical components. These artificial substances can affect our health and that of our pets. Therefore, it is always good to have a natural alternative to avoid mosquito bites. Among them, we can highlight:

1. Citronella

Citronella – the image that opens this article – is a plant whose aroma is unbearable for many insects. Because of that, when we’re close to her, mosquitoes don’t come close. You can plant it in a pot and place it in the garden, or get candles or citronella incense and light it while you’re in the yard or on the terrace.

2. Basil

This aromatic plant, widely used in Mediterranean cuisine,  also serves to scare away mosquitoes, as well as flies, due to its strong odor  (which we consider delicious).


All it takes is two tablespoons of dehydrated basil and half a liter of water. Put everything in a pan and cook for 20 minutes after it starts to boil. Then let the mixture sit for four hours. Strain and fill a spray bottle. You can use this liquid on curtains, sheets, clothes or in the environment.

3. Eucalyptus oil

It is one of the best repellents to prevent mosquito bites. It is easily found in health food stores and also serves to decongest the airways. You will need a diffuser or a glass bottle. Add 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and light a candle to release the aroma.

Some people take this oil when they go camping or go on excursions in a national park. They spread it on the skin to prevent any insect from getting close. It can even be mixed with the shampoo or cream that we usually use.

4. Clove of scent

Another very powerful repellent that can be used by the whole family – including children – as it is not toxic or harmful to health. It’s very easy: in a pot, put 30 cloves and two cups of water.

Cook for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for two hours. Then filter and mix with your usual shampoo, conditioner or body moisturizer. Apply before going out into the street or garden and you will be protected.


5. Chamomile

Both chamomile and lavender are two amazing repellents against mosquito bites. Furthermore, they are plants with very beautiful flowers, making them great choices for decorating the porch, patio or garden.

The aroma given off by chamomile – or lavender – is very strong and unbearable for insects such as flies and mosquitoes. You can prepare an infusion with two spoons of your flowers and half a liter of boiling water.

Then let the infusion stand for six hours, strain into a spray container. Finally, just spray the room, doors, windows or clothes… And that way you’ll keep out those annoying visitors during the summer!

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