How To Prepare Your Dog For A Plane Trip

Each owner must be aware of checking if the health status and temperament of their dog are compatible with the trip they want to take.
How to prepare your dog for an airplane trip

Fortunately, airlines are modernizing and improving their pet transport conditions. This allows more and more owners to choose to travel with their dogs. Below, we’ll share a series of tips to prepare your dog for an airplane trip.

6 tips to prepare your dog for an airplane trip

Below, we share some tips to prepare your dog for boarding and enjoy the trip with peace of mind.

1. Know the requirements for entering your dog at your destination

To start planning your trip with your dog, it is essential to know the requirements that your destination requires for the entry of animals. Each country may have its own legislation in this regard, so it is essential to be well informed to avoid unforeseen events.

In general, the documents needed to travel with a dog and enter another country are:

  • Passport or certificate issued by the competent body of the dog’s country of residence.
  • Updated health record, which contains the vaccines, deworming and possible treatments to which the animal was submitted.
  • Certificate of good health, which must be issued by a veterinarian and may be valid for 7 to 10 days, depending on the country.
  • Identification microchip (not mandatory for entry in all countries, but highly recommended for dog and owner safety).

2. Choose the company that best meets your needs

Each airline has its own conditions, requirements and limitations for the transport of pets. Before purchasing a plane ticket, remember to check each airline’s regulations.

Many companies allow dogs to travel in the cabin with their owners, such as Iberia, Lufthansa or Air Europa. However, the maximum weight of the animal, added to that of the compartment where it must travel, is 8 kilos, and the dimensions of the transport compartment or box cannot exceed 50 centimeters in length, 40 centimeters in width and 20 centimeters in depth.

Travel by plane with dog

Other companies only offer the transport of pets in the basement, as is the case with Singapore Airlines. There are even companies that do not accept animals on board, or that prohibit the entry of certain “dangerous” breeds, such as the pit bull.

3. Choose the ideal compartment to carry your best friend

To travel by plane with your dog, you will need to purchase a sturdy carrier that is suitable for its size and has good ventilation. The animal must be able to stand up and make a complete turn around its own axis (360°) inside the compartment.

After choosing the most suitable product for your friend, it will be essential to make your dog feel comfortable in his new carrier . It is advisable to start the adaptation at least four weeks before the travel date.

travel with dog

Remember that each animal has its own time to adapt to a new reality, and positive reinforcement will be the best way to help you in this process.

4. Medical appointment and health certificate

Once you know the requirements of your destination and secure airline tickets, it’s time to start preparing the dog for boarding.

To start doing any procedure, you will need your pet’s certificate of good health. So, it’s time to take him to the vet, check his vaccinations, deworming and health status.

5. Starting the procedures for the trip

Once you have obtained your certificate of good health and updated your health record, you will be able to begin the procedures for traveling with your dog. You need to know that the certificate of good health issued by the veterinarian is only between 7 and 10 days old. Therefore, you have to plan the time well in case of unforeseen events before the trip.

The owner should contact the competent body in his country to issue the necessary documentation for traveling with his dog. In the European Union, the best option is to issue a pet passport.

6. Boarding your dog

If your dog is traveling for the first time, this situation will be completely new and it is normal for him to feel some nervousness. No medication should be given to the dog without the advice of a veterinarian. Remember to remain calm to convey warmth and tranquility to your friend before and during boarding.

Not all dogs adapt to air travel, especially if they have to spend long hours in the trunk. For many of these dogs, traveling over land will be the most comfortable and safest option.

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