The Best Tricks Against The Smell Of The Sandbox

The best tricks against the smell of the sandbox

If you have a cat, you probably already know how very clean these animals are. In addition to spending a large part of the day cleaning themselves, the litter box is the only place most of them do their chores, unless they feel annoyed about something. Often the litter box gives off a bad smell, and this can be due to several factors. You may be used to the smell by now, but your guests may be uncomfortable, so we’ll give you the best tricks against the smelly litter box.

Clean the litter box regularly

Try to check and clean your cat’s crate daily. This will significantly reduce the bad smell.

If you have more than one cat or if your cat uses the litter box frequently, inspect and clean twice a day.

Remember that whenever you clean the litter box, you should fill it with more sand, as this will maintain the optimum level of sand and cover any residue that could not be removed.

Clean the box and replace all the sand at least twice a month

Como limpar a caixa de areia

Even if you clean the box every day, there will always be small debris that will remain between the grains of sand.

These, over time, produce bacteria that, in addition to generating a bad smell, can also cause health problems for your cat or your family.

That’s why it is recommended that every fortnight you wash the litter box with warm soapy water – you can use chlorine to disinfect it more deeply – and leave it outdoors for a few hours.

Once dry, add new sand. Your cat will thank you and you will notice a decrease in the stench.

change the box every year

With use, your cat’s claws will leave marks on the bottom of the litter box.

These gaps are difficult to access for cleaning, so it will be difficult for you to achieve a complete bottom disinfection.

It is in these places where the bacteria that generate the bad odor accumulate. To prevent this from happening, if you can, change your cat’s litter box every year.

You shouldn’t throw the old litter box in the trash: donate to an animal shelter where these objects are always welcome.

Try out deodorants for the litter box

Como diminuir o odor da caixa de areia

You can use some baking soda or deodorant for your cat’s litter box. Don’t use too much deodorant as your cat is very likely to stop using the box.

Keep in mind that it’s the scent that draws the cat to the box, and if he can’t tell you apart, he might not use it.

You can lightly spray the litter box with some deodorant product every time you clean it.

Use sands that neutralize odors

There are many odor neutralizing products available on the market. You can try one of them to see which your cat prefers, as your pet may not be comfortable with a particular product.

There are a variety of materials and prices. All products can be purchased at any pet store, they have been tested and are therefore safe for your pet.

Your cat’s choice will determine which sand you should use.

Place the litter box in a ventilated area

One of the main mistakes made is placing the sandbox inside the house so that it cannot be seen.

The only thing you can do with this is that the smell is concentrated, both on the box and where you put it.

Also, if the location is not very pleasant for your cat, it is likely that he will find another one where he feels comfortable.

Place the litter box in a naturally lighted and ventilated place.

In case you have a terrace, patio or balcony, try to protect the litter box from the rain, as many sand products harden with moisture and you may have to throw the product away.

The best way to keep your home odor-free is with frequent hygiene. Whether indoors or outdoors, keeping your cat’s litter box clean is the best solution for bad odors and possible health problems.

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