Signs That Show Health Problems In Cats

Signs that show health problems in cats

When your pet feels bad, he can’t say it in words. Besides, he’s likely to hide the malaise until it’s pretty obvious. Therefore, it  is important that you pay attention to the various signs that may be indicating health problems in cats and ensure that they are taken as soon as possible to a veterinarian’s office.

watch your pet

affection in cat

To avoid major inconveniences, the ideal is to be able to detect early on the various signs that something is not going well with your feline friend.

Maybe it’s just a passing discomfort or a simple cold. However, behind a very subtle behavior change or distracted eyes, serious health problems may be hiding in cats. 

A good way to show that you love your pet is to get to know them deeply. Only then can you act quickly if there are changes in your behavior – or certain physical signs – that indicate something important.

Pay attention to the different signs that may be indicating health problems in your cat and go to the vet if there is any doubt.

Main signs of health problems in cats

We already have a series of details to take into account to control your cat’s health status. If you notice any of these symptoms, take them to the vet urgently.

Difficulties to urinate

If your pet uses the litter box all the time and sits there for a long time, it’s very likely that he’s having trouble urinating. Change the  sand  and check for blood in the urine. Also, be aware that he is urinating elsewhere, especially on soft surfaces such as beds and armchairs. It is also likely that he is not able to urinate directly.  

Diarrhea and vomiting

If your little feline friend vomits from time to time or has loose stools once in a while, don’t brag. However, if the problem persists for more than a day, he can not retain food and the diarrhea shows blood or mucus, the situation requires a trip to the vet. 

Appetite and weight loss

It is not normal for your cat to refuse to feed persistently. Not even if he loses weight progressively or suddenly.

Difficulty breathing

You should be concerned if your pet breathes too quickly, shallowly, or with its mouth open.  Also be aware if his stomach muscles are moving.

Collapses, fainting and spasms

Also, pay attention to whether your pet is losing its balance and finds itself dizzy or disoriented. The causes can be linked to cardiovascular or neurological problems.

Apathy and excessive sleep

Even though cats have a reputation for being sleepyheads, it’s not normal for them to sleep longer than necessary, lose interest in things around them, or stop playing. Also note if your pet wants to remain isolated. 

Sudden increase in thirst or appetite

Also find out if your feline friend is urinating more than normal.

Other signs of a possible pet disease

Also,  there are more subtle clues that may be indicating health problems in cats. Like for example:

  • When they stop licking themselves. A dull, unkempt fur is an obvious sign that something abnormal is happening to your feline buddy. 
  • When their ears and/or tails are drooping.
  • When they meow constantly.
  • When they cough or sneeze frequently.
  • When they suddenly become aggressive.
  • When they have difficulty walking or getting around.

More signs to take into account

cat licking itself

Other signs that your pet’s health may be threatened are:

  • When he scratches himself excessively.
  • When he is compulsively licking certain areas of the body.
  • When it loses hair or has hairless areas.
  • When dark spots or wax appear in your ears.
  • When your eyes are often swollen or watery, and have white, yellow, or green eye patches.
  • When he is sensitive to light.
  • When he keeps moving his head as if something is bothering him.
  • When he gets bad breath.
  • When he’s drooling.
  • When your gums change color.

happy and healthy cats

From parasites to stress, through diabetes, kidney disease or hypothyroidism,  many can be the health problems of cats. Being able to detect them in time will help your kitten to have a better quality of life.

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