This Exciting Video Will Make You Think Before Giving Away A Pet

This exciting video will make you think before giving a pet away.

Many parents often give their children a pet as a gift. However, this act of love can be a bad decision. Sometimes children think it’s a toy they can put away when they get tired of it. That’s why a video was released that will make you think before the birthday present is a dog or a cat.

They are not a toy, think before giving a pet as a gift

adopt puppies

This is the slogan chosen by the Affinity Foundation to raise awareness among people about the responsible ownership of pets and, above all, to avoid the abandonment of animals. For example, among the top Christmas orders, many children want to get a puppy or kitten.

While adopting a pet (especially if it’s a stray animal) is an excellent decision, the problem lies in the fact that “giving it away” for Christmas or birthday makes them look like a toy. And what about toys? They are discarded when they get tired of it or become a burden.

Many people forget the obligations that having a pet at home entails. But as “they are not a toy”, they require food, care, shelter, medicine… Just like a human being, a dog or a cat have emotions, needs and desires.

Giving away pets deserves to be well thought out first

“Pets are much more than toys: they are friends who take care of us, companions who make us laugh and confidants who are always by our side. Let us treat dogs and cats as they deserve, with love and respect. These are the words written on the Affinity Foundation portal. Of Spanish origin, the Foundation released a video that recreates the typical problems and situations that must be faced by people who do not comply with responsible ownership.

Isabel Buil, director of the Foundation, said in an interview with a newspaper: “we wanted to tell a story that people could connect with, that was emotional and led to reflection, especially for those who are thinking of giving a dog or a dog as a gift. Christmas or birthday cat. Living with a pet is a very important decision and entails many responsibilities ”.

Those who want to adopt an animal should think very carefully, assess whether they have the necessary means to keep it and take into account that it is a daily commitment for at least 10 years. It is not good to link a pet with a season of gifts, such as holidays or birthdays. It’s best to give a different kind of gift for Christmas and birthday, put the impulse aside and take a good look at it a few months later.

We leave the video here for you to see and reflect on this subject:

And remember that a dog or cat is not just a toy. Do not treat, use or discard them as if they were objects. Let’s try to have more responsible parties!

Giving a pet as a gift: what to consider


If after watching the video you started to wonder if it really is a good decision to give a pet as a gift, then we will help you to analyze several aspects:

  1. Objective: Why have a pet? If your child is very lonely, if you want unconditional affection, if you want someone to help you play sports or to teach you certain values ​​for more than a decade, then you can adopt one.
  2. Care: Can I meet your basic needs for food, health and shelter? It is a constant commitment that we cannot forget for a single day. Pets depend on us and are the owners who ensure their well-being.
  3. Dedication: How long can I be with you? If we work all day outside the house, it’s not a good idea to have a pet, as they suffer a lot from loneliness. Dogs need to go out for a walk daily, and when they are puppies, they play for at least an hour a day.
  4. Liability: Will you be able to be responsible for a pet for several years? We often don’t realize that adopting an animal is a big commitment that doesn’t end in a few weeks. A pet can live to be over fifteen years old. Do you accept this huge responsibility?

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