5 Very Simple Things That Will Make Your Dog Happy

5 very simple things that will make your dog happy

Do you want to see your dog demonstrate happiness in the same way as the dogs that appear in TV commercials? Are you satisfied when you arrive home and find your pet smiling? Here’s some very simple advice on things that will make your dog happy.

Dogs really are happy with very little and are a definitive example that happiness is in the small details that enrich life.

Reward him for good behavior

Saiba como fazer seu cão feliz

Due to the breeding and domestication processes, dogs are very happy to know that they acted well and pleased their owner.

So, if you want to make your dog very happy, you can develop a strategy or reward system. Also, with this tactic, you will reinforce good behavior with positive stimuli.

To reward your dog for a good deed, you can use some treats, but it’s also a good option to play with him using his favorite toy. Or simply demonstrate that he did well through cuddling.

Address them affectionately. Even though dogs cannot understand many of our words, they can understand the tone in which we speak them.

make time to play

There is nothing else, after petting, that makes a dog happier than playing with its owner. 

That way, if you are interested in your pet’s well-being and want to take care of it properly, take some time to play!

To entertain a dog there is no need for much. A ball, a bone or even a simple ice cube are things that can amuse you if you are spending time with you.

Play is one of the ways dogs deplete their energy, stimulate their mind, reduce stress and deal with their frustrations. Also, they improve your mood a lot.

take him for a walk

Curiosity is innate in most mammals. So, whenever possible, take him for a walk.

It might just be a walk to the park or the square for him to walk and socialize, but if you have a little more time on weekends, you can look for places where you can take the dogs out on adventure.

The contact with new spaces, smells and people will open up your dog’s horizons and will stimulate him positively.

Allow him to discover new things. This will be as beneficial for you as for him, as one of the fundamental elements in the walks is to offer the dog the opportunity to get to know and develop in other spaces, and the exploration of an activity will stimulate him in a positive way.

pay attention

A atenção é fundamental para a felicidade dos cães

It’s true that dogs settle for just a little company. But is this really enough?

By adopting a dog, the fact is that you have taken on a responsibility and the best thing you can do is try to spend quality time with him.

The games, the caresses, the affectionate words; these things will make a difference in the relationship you will have with your pet.

Dogs that receive more attention tend to behave better, as they learn from their owners what is allowed and what cannot be done.

What’s more, it’s healthy to pet your pet after a tiring day of work or study. This will help to reduce stress levels and give you some optimism. And your dog will love it.

teach him to be sociable

When walking your dog, don’t be picky. Unless he has an aggression problem, let him get close to other dogs and even other animals.

Dogs learn from their fellow dogs that their owners simply cannot teach them.

Also, sniffing other dogs and running with them are things the animal would normally do if it were in the wild taking part in a herd. Free him to follow his instincts and allow him to have fun with others like him.

Allow yourself to be with other people as well and this will make you more confident and secure. Letting the dog visit other homes and play with children will strengthen his temper.

Dogs, like humans, are social animals. So let them enjoy the presence and company of others.

After reading these simple recommendations, do you feel able to make your dog truly happy?

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