How To Make Your Dog Respect You From A Puppy

First, you must empathize with the pet, as it may have experienced traumas that it will exhibit in certain behaviors. However, you will have to be firm, avoid punishment and use positive reinforcement.
How to make your dog respect you from a puppy

good education at an early age  is the foundation of your future relationship with your pet. In order for the two of you to understand and live together, it’s important to set clear boundaries for a puppy. That way, your dog will be able to respect you as an adult.

Tips for Novice Puppy Owners

A puppy usually takes between  4 and 6 months  to complete its training. When we refer to the ‘training’ of the animal, we are talking about him  learning to do his needs outside the home  and  understanding what his owner asks, in order to carry out the order.

Believe it or not, size is a determining factor in how long a person takes to train their pet. A small breed dog, for example, will have a smaller bladder  and will need more outlets than a larger dog, at least for going to the bathroom.

The   animal’s previous living conditions will also influence. A  puppy who has been in a violent environment, or who has experienced traumatic experiences, will tend to behave  defensively  early in their relationship.

labrador puppy

Try to  make room  and let him get used to you. The worst way to treat a dog with PTSD is to force him to do something he doesn’t want to do.

You may find  old habits  that your puppy has incorporated into his previous home that do not fit his lifestyle. Don’t try to force a change. Try to understand the reasons why he behaves this way  and teach him the  benefits of different behavior. This can be done through  awards or cuddles.

What to do when your puppy is home

Given the curious nature of young animals, first try to  establish a delimited space where the puppy can be calm. You can achieve this by putting doors in the kitchen. Another important measure is to set up a space for it. Food and water should be kept in a separate room in the house.

The most important thing is to  value the importance of positive stimuli  in your puppy’s education. Instead of teaching him the consequences of his actions clearly, try to  teach him what is most beneficial to him with rewards or caresses.

beagle puppy

If  your dog  starts  barking, fidgeting, or sniffing at the front door of the  house, he probably needs to go outside to relieve himself. So try to pay attention to these signs. Thus, you can avoid possible reactions from him that will incite you to punish your pet.

What not to do if your puppy misbehaves

The attitude we show when our pet makes a mistake is crucial for him  not to be afraid of us and to respect us.  This distinction is very important.

  • If  your puppy needs indoors, don’t punish him. He is learning and being afraid of something so natural is unnecessary.
  • If you  find damage caused by it in your home,  without having seen how your dog did it, don’t punish him. The puppy will not be able to associate such damage with his reaction and will not understand what he did wrong.
  • When you have an incident at home  related to your needs, clean up as best you can. This is so that the puppy does not use it again in the same way.

training  in positive reinforcement based also strengthen your bond with your dog and will make him associate what you want it to do with pleasant feelings.

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