With These Tips, Your Cat Will Be More Sociable

With these tips, your cat will be more sociable

Our cat must be used from an early age to interact normally with other felines or people. If we don’t do it that way, it will be a very difficult task and we will need a lot of patience to get a sociable cat later, when it is an adult.

If our kitten is very independent and does not like socialization, we cannot find it impossible to integrate into a human environment or with other companions of its species.

Cats that are less sociable give off various signals, such as not looking for shelter in our lap, being annoyed or even angry when we pick them up or lift them off the ground, showing a great desire to be left alone.

bad socialization

disabled animal

Behaviors like these can be created by few opportunities for socialization during the first years of the animal’s life, but they can also be caused by bad habits, such as abrupt and excessive petting.

We need to remember that cats are not like dogs. Cats can’t stand playing or stroking too hard.

a wild and affectionate cat

Experts guarantee that it is almost impossible to transform a wild cat into a super affectionate animal, as felines raised without human companionship until the first seven weeks of life will not completely accept their owners. That way, these pussies will only accept brief caresses. Therefore, it is very important to socialize them as soon as possible.

Genetics is another very important aspect. The affective temperament of felines is highly influenced by genetic tendencies. Some cats are more independent or even antisocial, despite being domesticated.

How to socialize the cat?

The first steps of socialization are designed to create a simple routine so that our feline is more affectionate with us and more sociable. You can, for example, feed it frequently and in small amounts. That way, we won’t let him always have food available and we’ll make it clear that his food depends on our will.

Talking to him and petting him often will also improve our relationship with our pet and make him a sociable cat. We must accompany him to his favorite places, inviting him to play. Play is a great way to strengthen affective bonds.

It is very important not to invade the animal’s space or force caresses and pampering. It is the cat who should get closer to us, thanks to the games and snacks. All with great patience and care, to change his behavior little by little.

A safe environment

For our kitten to be more sociable, one of the most important things is to make him feel safer with his surroundings. For this, in addition to offering basic care with food, hygiene, etc., we must offer enough affection so that the kitten has confidence in its relationships.

However, each cat needs a different and individualized level of attention.

A friendlier cat with our visitors


When a visitor comes home, we should not force our cat to be sociable. We know that there are cats that cannot resist curiosity and rush to sniff out new people. But normally, our pet’s first reaction is to hide, especially if the guests are rowdy, rowdy children.

Do not forget that cats have a hearing five times more sensitive than ours, making a scream or a simple conversation in a louder tone is torture for them.

After some time with the visitors at home, we can go after the cat and, with him in our arms, we will make him approach unknown people. We’ll let him smell them and, after closing the room to prevent him from leaving, we’ll put him down.

Your first reaction will be to move to one of the corners of the room. Little by little, however, the cat will come out of its hiding place to get closer to all the people in the house.

The ride for a sociable cat

If the cat is still small, we can take it for a walk in the street, but it is good to remember that these animals can be completely happy without leaving the house.

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