Peru Opens A Shelter For Dogs With Disabilities

Peru opens a shelter for dogs with disabilities

We love to give you good news and announce to the four winds that wonderful information that remained silent. This is one of those animal love stories unknown until now. We are talking about a shelter for disabled animals.

The shelter adopted the name Milagros Perrunos and is basically dedicated to helping improve the lives of animals that, whether because of mistreatment or an accident, were on the verge of losing them.

How do they manage? Learn more about this beautiful initiative.

Milagros Perrunos, a very special shelter for dogs with disabilities

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The purpose of the shelter is to rescue these animals. There, they receive the medical and emotional attention they need and find a home where they can have the dignified life they deserve.

However, dogs with disabilities are the ones who find it most difficult to be adopted. In these cases, Milagros Perrunos is willing to stay with them. Thus, it manages to offer animals the life they deserve together with others who suffer the same.

Disabled dogs have little chance of surviving on their own. Those who live on the streets are unfortunately condemned to death. Due to the difficulty in getting around, they do not have access to go where they need to. And, of course, they cannot get the water or food they need for life.

And while it’s not anyone’s dream, including dogs, to live in a shelter forever, the institution’s workers give them all the love they need. And there is always a generous soul willing to adopt some of them.

This shelter for disabled animals is located in Lima, Peru. There are already 39 “special” dogs that live there. Some are paraplegic or mutilated.

Who started the initiative?

It may seem impossible, but this initiative started with one person, Sara Morán. She explained very well why she did it:

“Since I was little, my passion for animals was stronger than anything else. I always had a deep and special feeling for them. Maybe they can be compared to human babies (whom I also love). In the little animals, I see eternal babies, defenseless and innocent, with no rights in society. One day my dog ​​Oso was poisoned and I believe that was the turning point. My family banned pets… So I grew up”.

According to Sara, it  all started when she met Ana Maria Guerrero. She was the one who opened up a world of possibilities for him by allowing him to collaborate in sterilization campaigns at home  and giving help to those who needed it most.

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After they parted, Sara continued independently in 2007 until she started what we now know as Milagros Perrunos. But Sara is not alone. She has a team of people who love animals and provide everything they need, not only physically but emotionally.

The life of these puppies has changed a lot in this shelter for disabled animals : they go to the beach, receive love and care and their deficiencies seem to have disappeared, as they are happy and have everything they need. Only souls with deficient hearts could see any defect in these animals.

We are happy to know that there are still people with a sincere and caring heart who want to help the most disadvantaged. We hope that Sara Morán’s example will serve those entrepreneurs who don’t know where to start. Here, you can see that a solidary project with noble ends always succeeds, because a superior force drives it: love.

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