The Myth Of Cat Curiosity

The enormous interest that these animals show around the world since they are born is due to their survival and hunting instincts. It is a recently domesticated species, like many other pets.
The myth of cat curiosity

Anyone who has ever had a cat as a pet will agree with the popular saying “curiosity killed the cat”. The curiosity of cats is a hallmark of this species.

Knowing the reasons why our pet has certain behaviors helps to understand them better and allows him to have a comfortable life and away from possible domestic dangers.

The curiosity of cats is not a myth. Let’s look at why they are so curious and why this can become a problem for your health.

The curiosity of cats: myth or reality?

At birth, kittens are blind and deaf, but they begin to crawl in their space, sniffing at every step. At three weeks of age,  puppies are so curious about their surroundings that they become a whirlwind. They don’t stop for a moment, investigating every corner around them.

Cats’ curiosity is manifested by their strong survival instincts,  inherited from their wild ancestors. Domestic cats express their curiosity in different ways and with certain objects.

Its behavior, sometimes strange, and even funny, is due to the  hunting drive and the ability to escape predators,  which the species acquired throughout its evolution.

yellow cat

Despite being a domesticated species, cats have not lost their hunting instincts. Among other things, because, unlike dogs, they were introduced as pets relatively recently.

This hunting instinct explains why cats spend the day examining every corner, closely watching every move and catching small prey, bringing them home like trophies.

Why can a simple box arouse so much curiosity in the cat? The explanation lies in  a natural defense mechanism that their wild ancestors developed when they felt in danger.

Safety comes first

Finding a safe place out  of the sight of predators  is the reason cats are so attracted to crates. On the other hand, there is the surprise effect. Hidden they can catch prey without their victim seeing them.

High places are another thing cats love. From a high place, he has a broader perspective of his environment. They can observe at will without being disturbed.

cat sunbathing

Sometimes our cat friends even scare us by jumping into our laps from unexpected places. In the wild, small cats kept themselves safe aloft, watching and leaping over their unsuspecting victims.

Our behavior is also another factor that triggers the cat’s curiosity. Anyone who has cats at home knows what it’s like to be watched closely by them. Any human behavior is interesting and worthy of being observed and analyzed by them.

There are many cats who even mimic some of these human behaviors,  which are useful for their purposes. This is the case of opening doors and windows to get in and out or opening the fridge or cabinets to look for food.

The problems caused by cats’ curiosity

For a cat to grow healthy, it must freely express its curiosity. Failure to do so results in serious problems in your behavior  that will affect your health.

Keeping the  animal locked up  and isolated, without having contact with the outside world and with other people, generates extreme distrust. Cats need their space of freedom and also controlled independence.

In case of confinement, the cat’s curiosity is repressed, triggering harmful behavior. This is the case with  obsessive cleansing of your body, which causes skin lesions and triggers bulimia, as a consequence of overeating and  becoming obese.

Other  behavioral problems related to dissatisfaction with their innate curiosity include  aggressiveness and excessive marking of territory. In these cases, the cat will leave its scent in the entire house.

Also,  cats’ curiosity and anxiety can lead to dangerous situations both outdoors and indoors. For this reason, it is necessary to provide them with adequate toys to satisfy their curiosity and not expose objects that could harm them.

Cats make wonderful companions. You just  have to know how to understand their strange behaviors and give them the freedom  to develop their feline instincts in a healthy and safe way.

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