Do Cats Perceive People’s Energy?

Above all, cats perceive what we are unable to perceive, such as the waves of electronic devices, as well as the pain that humans feel.
Do cats perceive people's energy?

There is a lot of talk about the spiritual energy of felines and that they are guardians of the home by nature. In this article, we’re going to talk about the theory that cats sense people’s energy and thus ward off evil.

Cats realize what we can’t

With this premise, we assume that our pets can detect the energies that are around the house. Including the energies that surround a person as well (be it ourselves or others).

Perhaps you’ve noticed that cats like to sleep on a television, microwave, or computer. So, this is because they can sense the waves emitted by electronic devices.

Also, some cats rub against cell phones, laptops or tablets. We might think it’s a way to let you smell or get attention. However, this is also a technique for absorbing negative waves from these devices.

Going deeper, if we take into account the physiognomy of these animals, we can reflect on whether cats perceive energy or not.

For starters, they have mustaches or vibrissae. These structures work like radars. In addition, cats’ eyes are able to see in the dark without any problems.

cat sleeping on top of remote control

So it’s not hard to understand why they have the ability to detect what we don’t see or hear.

If your cat stares at one place in the room, or if he suddenly shivers for no apparent reason, watch out. After all, this could be a sign that he felt some kind of disturbing energy in the environment.

cats perceive pain

Cats like to stay in places where the vibrations aren’t good or in those places where the energy doesn’t flow freely.

Perhaps, you’ve wondered why your cat lies down to sleep right on the part of your body that hurts.

For example, in the belly, during the premenstrual period; in the back or near the neck if you are having muscle pain; or on your feet, if you’ve walked a lot…

Not only is your presence the perfect incentive for healing. In addition, the purr of cats and the “massage” they give their front paws are efforts by pussies to eliminate the pain that afflicts us.

There are even many cases of people who go to the doctor without symptoms and end up discovering a disease in the exact place where the cat “lays down”.

Cats perceive people’s energy

There is no doubt that cats perceive people’s energy. After all, they are very sensitive animals. In fact, much more than any other pet.

If, when receiving a visit, the cat shivers, meows a lot or runs away, it is likely that this person does not have “good vibes”, as they are popularly said.

cat being petted

That doesn’t mean it’s someone bad or dangerous. In fact, the person may simply be surrounded by bad energy that the cat feels.

Also, remember that one of the cat’s “tasks” is absorbing negative energy. Therefore, when it exists in large quantities, the cat runs away to avoid getting sick.

Also, when you arrive at your house, you may notice that your cat is more affectionate than usual. That is, he is rubbing the sides of his legs or wants to be hugged for a long time.

Despite the animal’s personality having a lot to do with it and the possibility that he missed her. In addition, there is also the theory that the animal is “cleaning up” the bad waves you brought in from the street.

Finally, have you ever thought why after spending a few minutes patting your pet on the back you feel better?

That is, less stressed and more energized to get on with their tasks. So, this habit – in addition to increasing the connection with your cat – allows you to discharge the bad vibes of the day. Whether from work, a meeting, transport or contact with certain people.

Conclusion: cats perceive people’s energy

Cats are more sensitive than humans. This is more than clear. So maybe they can identify vibrations and energies that we can’t.

So, take advantage of the fact that cats perceive people’s energy. You sure have an excellent spiritual guardian at home!

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