Which Dog Breeds Are Most Likely To Run Away?

Like it or not, some dogs just can’t help but try to run away from home. Still, not all races feel this desire in the same way.
Which dog breeds are most likely to run away?

Is it possible to predict which dog breeds are most likely to run away from home? Some of them are more likely to go through the yard fence or dig a hole to escape. However, if you can predict this behavior, you can be prepared to protect your pet from dangerous situations.

It is appropriate to keep in mind that many figures released on this subject are based on data from GPS tracking collar records. In these cases, there is a tendency for medium to large dogs. Dogs weighing ten pounds or less are underrepresented as the collar tends to be too big for them.

Why do dogs run away?

There can be many explanations for this behavior. If your dog is startled by noises, he is more likely to run as far away as possible. Some causes may include lack of stimulation, carelessness of the guardians, or the animal being left alone for long periods of time. In these cases, the dog runs off to find distractions and new companions.

It may also be that your dog has never learned what is forbidden. In this case, the dog will try again, as it will likely feel the need to flee at any time.

Race is related to the odds of running away

Scientific studies that address canine behavior use a series of standardized tests designed to measure behavioral characteristics. Among these features are:

  • General emotional reactivity.
  • Response to handling and restriction with guide.
  • Ability to solve problems.
  • Ability to train, including the urge to escape.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Tendency to bark.

Thus, several studies have established that there are clear (statistically significant) differences between races in terms of the manifestation of these characteristics. Next, we will introduce them to you.

1. Beagles

This breed of dogs has been selected to hunt their prey using their sense of smell. That’s why your instinct to follow the scents is really powerful. Their curiosity often leads them astray, putting them at the top of the list of the most missed dog breeds.

Dog breeds most likely to run away: Beagle.

2. Siberian Husky

The Siberian Huskies are another great race known worldwide for their love of escape. They carry in their nature the need to run, literally. If they are not satisfied with the amount of exercise they are doing, they will solve the problem on their own.

If you want to have a dog of this breed, keep in mind that his intense desire to exercise, combined with his talent for digging and climbing, make this beautiful creature take a lot of risks. They are very active dogs and require a lot of exercise to be happy.

This breed was classified as an “ancient breed” based on its apparent degree of genetic relationship to the wolf. Due to its wilder nature, it has a great tendency to chase and escape. Also, huskies have low scores for being well trained and developing attachment.

3. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The stubborn personality of the Staffordshire bull terrier needs firm leadership from its guardians and a lot of exercise to make it happy. His strength and musculature mean he can easily climb a high fence if something on the other side catches his eye. Plus, its big paws are perfect for digging tunnels under fences.

Dogs that are more likely to run away.

4. Jack Russell Terrier

These little dogs are very naughty and can cause a lot of trouble. They are a breed that needs constant supervision or at least a good place that can contain their unusual energy.

What this breed lacks in size, it makes up for in speed, strength and courage! These dogs need a lot of exercise to be happy, as having a powerful predatory instinct to chase smaller animals makes them escapists. Three of his terrier cousins are also on the frequent runaway list: Yorkshire terrier, Boston terrier and Rat terrier.

5. German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP)

These dogs need a lot of heavy exercise. If the tutor can provide the mental and physical challenges he craves, he will have a happy dog. Without enough exercise, dogs of this breed can become nervous and destructive. They don’t like to be alone for long periods of time, and boredom drives them to escape.

6. Schnauzer Miniature

It is a canine breed that has everything in a small package: intelligence, affection, extroversion temperament, humor and great personality. But unfortunately, this dog has an escapist temperament. Therefore, you should keep the Miniature Schnauzer on a leash when not in a fenced area. If this dog sees something flashy, it will chase you and likely ignore your calls.

A bored miniature Schnauzer will be unhappy. Being smart and full of energy, you will need a variety of activities and exercises. Make sure you give him both or the dog will become destructive and moody.

7. Chihuahua

A breed that is likely to run away from home is the Chihuahua. These dogs make excellent bouncers, and their small body size allows them to hide in many places.

They are also hard to catch once they escape because they are so fast! Some tutors mistakenly think that because they are small, they need less exercise, training, and attention. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Chihuahuas love to run and desire close contact with humans. So if they can’t get it at home, they’ll look outside.

Which dog breeds are most likely to run away?

Most guardians will experience a terrifying incident with a dog’s escape at some point in their puppies’ lives. However, few of them will become escape artists when they are adults. In short, taking care of its vital needs will help to minimize the likelihood that the animal will run away.

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