The 7 Ways To Show Your Cat That You Like Him

The 7 Ways To Show Your Cat You Like It

Cats are reputed to be mysterious, which is why many people say they cannot understand them. We who adore cats know that this is not the case, and that there are many ways to understand their feelings and to show them ours. To demonstrate to your cat that you like him, we’ll give you some effective advice below.

Although cats are more independent than dogs, felines are also affectionate animals , which need to receive affection and feel loved. Showing the cat that you like it is essential for the good development of the animal. Let’s find out how to do this!

7 ways to tell your cat you like him

Showing your cat that you like him can make the two of you have a good relationship, and make him feel like a member of the family. Who doesn’t like to feel wanted?


Spending time with your pet, playing with him, is the best way to show him that you like him. In spite of your independence, your cat will demand that you pay attention to it when it feels that it doesn’t receive it.

You shouldn’t expect him to ask to play with you, take the initiative and take some time to play with him. He can spend many hours playing alone with his scraper while you work. A little bit of your attention won’t do any harm.

Reserve a space for him

Cats will be at your disposal whenever you want. They are affectionate, but like to have their own space. While it’s great for you to play with them, they’ll still need a moment to relax, sunbathe and do nothing, or simply stare out the window.

To know if your cat is relaxing or playing, you just need to put your hand in front of his nose. If he throws himself on your hand, it means he wants to play, if not, he wants to rest. You must respect his wishes.

be careful with his food

Unlike dogs, cats eat their food in 10 or 12 very small portions throughout the day. So it is essential that your feline always has water and food available and, of course, it must be a quality feed that facilitates its digestion.

From time to time, offer her some treat, treat or some canned food.

Establish routines for him

Cats are animals that follow routines, so they need to live in a stable home, within an organized family and with fixed schedules.

They need to feel the tranquility of the environment and know that they are part of something. Any change in their routine, such as moving house or any other change, can affect them greatly.

Ensure a safe environment for him

Cats are very nervous and jump in reaction to any noise they hear. So, he must have a safe space so that he feels protected and can hide without fear that something will happen to him.

Put your sandbox in a place where he can get away from everything and where he knows no one sees him.

positive reinforcement

Your cat may find it more difficult than your dog to obey orders. Rather than focusing on his mistakes when he doesn’t obey your commands, you should reward him when he does the right thing.

You’d better get him used from a puppy to following the orders you give him at home.

give him treats

This is definitely the best way to show your cat that you like him. Give him all the treats he wants, all the time and without him realizing it.

When he comes looking for you, gets your attention or lies down in front of you, give him a treat. Spend a little time and you will reap good results soon.

These are the 7 best ways you can tell your cat that you like him. Can you remember any other way?

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