4 Dangers Of Poor Dog Or Cat Choice

4 dangers of poor dog or cat choice

The risks that can lead to the bad choice of a dog or cat at home are very diverse. The dog that barks incessantly because it is alone all day or that destroys the house when its owners are away. In other cases, the feline is the cause of the destruction.

Choosing the most suitable pet as possible is essential to avoid problems with coexistence  or abandonment. It is necessary to take into account that the life of a dog can last up to 15 years and a cat up to 20 years.

In order for a pet’s stay in a home to be satisfactory, it is necessary to reflect on some different aspects, such  as the time you have to take care of the dog or cat.

Dangers arising from poor pet choice


Source: www.lavozdegalicia.es

Sometimes a pet that enters a home without the owners having thought well before purchasing it, and without taking into account the various variables, such as the time you have or the type of family life you have . All of this can bring problems that will end up affecting the animal’s coexistence and integration.

It is also common  for problems that affect the home due to living with the pet to pass on to the rest of the family members. That way, one will start blaming the other for the situation and tensions and fights will start. One of the causes of these confusions is the inappropriate choice of the pet.

In this way,  the environment at home and among the family will change when coexistence is not good  and the habit of cats, dogs or any other animal will become a reason for discord instead of joy. It is essential, therefore, to take time to reflect on whether the  newly arrived animal  will constitute a source of well-being or will generate coexistence problems.

The risk of the animal being abandoned

One of the main reasons behind the abandonment of animals in Spain is the inadequate and thoughtless choice of pets. Studies have revealed that the abandonment of dogs and cats in Spain is around 15%.

Other reasons are related to the behavior of the animal, as well as the lack of time to pay attention to the dog or cat, for example, due to the birth of a child.

Loneliness for Dog and Cat

When you are not able to give your dog or cat the proper attention, little by little, it will generate an excess of loneliness for the pet  and its unhappiness. For example, taking it for a walk is very important, and the animal gets used to it. If all of a sudden, regardless of the causes, you can’t walk the pet, your pet will progressively become depressed.

Each animal has its own personality,  be it a dog, cat or any other animal. An important part of this will be conditioned according to the animal’s breed. For example, a poodle will have very different needs  and character from other large animals.

There are domestic dogs that need to exercise more, while others are more nervous or less independent. These are factors that must be taken into account when choosing a pet. If this integration doesn’t happen, we will have an animal at home that we don’t know, that doesn’t adapt to our lifestyle, and that we won’t be able to pay attention to. And that will culminate in unhappiness for everyone, including your dog or cat.


sad dog

When the pet finds itself with the inappropriate family and does not receive the attention it needs, whether physical or emotional, it may suffer from illnesses, such  as depression in dogs or cats, anxiety and certain destructive behaviors.

As we can see,  the animal’s health can be seriously compromised when the owners are not able to take care of them in a responsible way. One solution to this is to transfer the responsibility for the care of pets to children. This way, the dog or cat will not feel the feeling of loneliness and the little ones in the house will become “responsible adults”.

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