Find Out If You Are Slightly A Cat Lover Or A Dependent Cat

Find out if you are slightly a cat lover or a dependent cat

Pussies are some of the most independent creatures we know. Most cat lovers recognize that if cats had thumbs, they wouldn’t need humans.

This type of pet can have fun without visible means of support and can meditate comfortably amidst extreme chaos. Therefore, it is almost impossible for a cat to be dependent.

What can, yes, be a reality is that their owners become cat lovers or dependent cats . Below we will share some definitions of these two concepts which you may already be familiar with.

Cat-lover or cat-dependent?

cat sleeping on the owner's lap

Small, furry, subtle, playful, grumpy, elegant, audacious, curious and very, very intelligent, all these adjectives and many others fit to cats.

Regardless of the breed you choose, they all have a particular gift which is independence, a taste for adventure and also the feline aesthetics make them complete, admirable and beloved animals.

A cat-loving owner is one who, above all, respects the cats and, of course, their particular personality. That is, if the pussy doesn’t feel like being at a social gathering, the owner doesn’t force it.

If you don’t want to go when you call, the owner is patient, and if you don’t want to be petted, don’t bother.

By understanding the personality of cats, one understands and respects their degree of autonomy. Unlike dogs, cats, during their domestication process, chose humans to live with.

Therefore, one of the most notable characteristics of cats’ behavior is that they behave as free beings, without meeting the needs of their owners.

In fact, even people who don’t know much about cats recognize that pussies don’t need much outside help. That’s why words like “distant” and “indifferent” are the most frequent in descriptions of feline behavior.

Most cat lovers love the idea that the cat will sleep next to them, or share the sofa with its owner during long afternoon naps. But… is this possible? Of course yes! As long as your cat is willing to share these spaces with you.

On the other hand, if a cat is very dependent on its owners, maybe something with its health is not going very well. Therefore, it is always recommended that periodic visits to the veterinarian are made to rule out any inconvenience.

Are you an addicted cat?

affection in cat

At the other extreme are cat-dependent owners. That is, those people who understand little about feline behavior and who, far from respecting it, do nothing but invade their space at all times.

A concrete example of a dependent cat owner is when the animal is sleeping soundly on a pillow and the owner invades its space, takes it by surprise and starts bothering it so that it responds with funny faces.

Without a doubt, the scene we described in the previous paragraph is a big mistake. The cat is free by nature. Forcing him to respond when we want to, and in the way we want to, is not the best thing to do.

If we do this, the feline will feel trapped and will certainly make us notice its bad mood.

“I call him and he doesn’t come” . Constantly, many cat owners get confused and treat their pussy as if it were a dog. You can relentlessly call a cat, and even if he listens to you, if he doesn’t want to go, he won’t.

The cat-dependent behavior causes the owner to make mistakes, not respect the animal and think that the feline must obey him at all times, as if he were a dog. Nothing more wrong and distant from feline behavior.

Exaggerated displays of affection, buying cat clothes, or responding to all the cat’s wishes are also signs that an owner has turned into a dependent cat.

Running or keeping an eye out for every meow and having a kind of unlimited attention to the cats can also  be a double-edged sword. Perhaps the cat is just bored, and for that simple reason, it will do everything in its power to get the attention of its owners.

But be careful, with cats you never know and if your little furry is meowing more than usual, it is best that you take him to the vet to rule out any discomfort.

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